Archived from groups: rec.photo.digital.slr-systems (More info?)
But instead to the average consumer when it comes to cameras
of all types. This is a blurb from dpreview about the new Fuji
"Fuji has today announced what it sees as competition to entry level
DSLRs with the 9 million pixel FinePix S9000 Zoom. It features a 10.7x
optical zoom (28-300mm) (with no image stabilization), ISO from 80 to
1600, twist-barrel zoom control, a tiltable 1.8-inch LCD, plus a 640 x
480 movie mode. Fuji sees the S9000 Zoom as the point where compact
and DSLRs meet as it offers the resolution and control of an SLR,
while at the same time offering functions associated with a compact
What is MISSING from this is that the CCD is only a 1/1.6 and not
anything like what you get in a DSLR. Instead of providing it,
something that would provide a MASSIVE improvement in prosumer
performance, they opt instead to do the same thing; MORE pixels
(tiny pixels!) and a long zoom. So, it's very likely the noise
and tonality issues that plague prosumers are still going to be
there. And they were the MAIN differentiators between the DSLRs
and prosumers!
Because they know what buttons to push to impress Joe Average.
Bigger, longer, more, more, more! Meanwhile, a 6 meg DSLR will
BLOW AWAY the 9 meg prosumer in nearly every aspect of image quality,
STILL! Other reasons why we don't have "high end" prosumers or
fixed-lens cameras? Cost. Bigger sensors and the lenses needed to
support them cost money. Although a bigger CCD coupled with
a Sigma-like 18-200mm zoom (providing maybe 27mm to 300mm with
a decent CCD/CMOS) would be a GODSEND for the prosumer market.
I've yet to buy a DSLR because I'm waiting to see what Olympus
successor to the E-1 will be. But, my current prosumer (C8080) bests
most DSLR/kit lens combos when it comes to resolution because of my
prosumer's superior lens. This is a rarity in the prosumer field.
It's also built better than entry-level DSLRS. However, it does NOT
match any DSLR when it comes to:
-Noise control
But it COULD, if they'd wanted it to.
I personally believe there is a big potential market for a fixed-lens
high-end prosumer that could compete with the DSLRs. A sealed camera
body would eliminate the dust issue and a lens of 18-200mm would serve
90+% of users out there. An external "telextender" raising the max
f.l. to 300mm (450mm equivalent) could be produced as well since they
already exist for prosumers.
But Fuji's latest offering is NOTHING to write home about.
But instead to the average consumer when it comes to cameras
of all types. This is a blurb from dpreview about the new Fuji

"Fuji has today announced what it sees as competition to entry level
DSLRs with the 9 million pixel FinePix S9000 Zoom. It features a 10.7x
optical zoom (28-300mm) (with no image stabilization), ISO from 80 to
1600, twist-barrel zoom control, a tiltable 1.8-inch LCD, plus a 640 x
480 movie mode. Fuji sees the S9000 Zoom as the point where compact
and DSLRs meet as it offers the resolution and control of an SLR,
while at the same time offering functions associated with a compact
What is MISSING from this is that the CCD is only a 1/1.6 and not
anything like what you get in a DSLR. Instead of providing it,
something that would provide a MASSIVE improvement in prosumer
performance, they opt instead to do the same thing; MORE pixels
(tiny pixels!) and a long zoom. So, it's very likely the noise
and tonality issues that plague prosumers are still going to be
there. And they were the MAIN differentiators between the DSLRs
and prosumers!
Because they know what buttons to push to impress Joe Average.
Bigger, longer, more, more, more! Meanwhile, a 6 meg DSLR will
BLOW AWAY the 9 meg prosumer in nearly every aspect of image quality,
STILL! Other reasons why we don't have "high end" prosumers or
fixed-lens cameras? Cost. Bigger sensors and the lenses needed to
support them cost money. Although a bigger CCD coupled with
a Sigma-like 18-200mm zoom (providing maybe 27mm to 300mm with
a decent CCD/CMOS) would be a GODSEND for the prosumer market.
I've yet to buy a DSLR because I'm waiting to see what Olympus
successor to the E-1 will be. But, my current prosumer (C8080) bests
most DSLR/kit lens combos when it comes to resolution because of my
prosumer's superior lens. This is a rarity in the prosumer field.
It's also built better than entry-level DSLRS. However, it does NOT
match any DSLR when it comes to:
-Noise control
But it COULD, if they'd wanted it to.
I personally believe there is a big potential market for a fixed-lens
high-end prosumer that could compete with the DSLRs. A sealed camera
body would eliminate the dust issue and a lens of 18-200mm would serve
90+% of users out there. An external "telextender" raising the max
f.l. to 300mm (450mm equivalent) could be produced as well since they
already exist for prosumers.
But Fuji's latest offering is NOTHING to write home about.