Questions - Dell Inspiron 15 7000


Jan 13, 2014
Recently, I've been looking around for a laptop to take to college, and the Dell Inspiron 15 7000 looks like a decent pick. The only problem is that the difference between the two models I'm considering (the $950 i5 model ($1,000 with IPS display) and $1,200 top-end model) is unclear to me from Dell's website.

  • - Does the $950/$1,000 model leave an empty drive bay to add storage without removing the 256 GB SSD?
    - If there is no extra storage bay in the $950/$1,000 model, is the extra 8 GB of RAM and upgrade to a Core i7 worth it?

Side note: I plan on using this to work on a CS degree and to game regularly, if that affects anything.