Oh, the hours I've spent trying to fix my card...
Thank you for the reply bystander, but nothing is ever easy it seems.
My current problem:
I have my old video card in the 1st slot. I have the HiS HD 6950 (Model H6950QNT2G2M) in the second slot.
I can only boot the computer in safe mode - if I try to boot normally it gets to the windows loading screen and freezes.
So I went into safe mode, and uninstalled the card per your suggestion, but when I boot normally again, it automatically installs the 6950 drivers, which freezes my computer again. I turned off automatic install and I can boot normal into windows with the 6950 in the slot, but GPUZ doesn't see it - so I can't tell what bios version it is.
When I follow steps 10-13, there is no prompt after the flash to restart - so I turned off the computer and moved the card back into the 1st slot. No boot.
I can't check the bios version without GPUZ in normal mode AND with the system seeing it, so I don't even know if it flashed properly or just closed the screen.
1. Have system see card in safe mode or
2. Have system in normal mode with it uninstalled - unlockrom 1 and flashed correct bios from techpower's site, the bios version for the specific card I have (http

/www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/100666/HIS.HD6950.2048.110330.html) - but it doesn't work
Now when the system sees it in safe mode:
I log onto administrator, run cmd prompt as admin - and when I type in the command prompt "atiwinflash -unlockrom 1" this is what I get:
"Due to Microsoft Vista Enhanced Security Features, this Application requires the user to be in Administrator mode." I'm already admin running in admin mode. wtf
I'm beyond frustrated with my card - I know I messed it up, but this is unreal the hours I've spent trying to "unflash" it and get it back to stock.