Re-configure computer audio pinout


Dec 19, 2010
What I am trying to do is the redo the computer audio pins, in internal OS software to set the Speaker port to every jack.

So change left speaker, right speaker, and what ever else outputs there are to just regular speakers.

Why do this?
When i hook up my headphones, to headphone jack, I cannot hear audio through internet explorer, only when I insert the headphone jack to speaker output.

I know the headphones work, and I have done this before.
No, the jumpers are fine, because i had this done before i reformatted my computer, and the settings were reset to defualt so, it has nothing to do with hardware.

From what i remember i did last time, was go into the registry and change the output jacks, of the audo, so all of them were set to rear speakers.

it involved changing several binary numbers.
That's the only thing I could think of.

I thought the same thing when I was messing around with one of my pc's(I didn't change it) but double check against your motherboards manual, just in case.

As for the registry thing I don't know about that, if I had trouble hearing music or sounds it was normally due to codec's missing.