Reformat my ipod mini??


Aug 9, 2009
hi,i bought an ipod mini (6gb)second hand,and it has been formated for a mac(apple)pc..i need to reformat it so it is compatible with my windows pc.when i do this it will delete all the music on the ipod,is there anyway i can save the music on it before i reformat the ipod,any help is appreciated,thank you :??:
Reformat=mass delete. You may have problem with backing up because the Apple dictum is that thou shalt not run an iPod on more than one computer (in case you dare to share your music with friends).

However as the iPod has run on a Mac before (and I believe you are kindly allowed to run your iPod on 1 Mac and 1 PC) you may get away with just installing iTunes on your PC and following the backup procedure (there's bound to be instructions on the Apple website).

If you are foiled or simply confused by iTunes (as I am), look for a third party programs that will allow you to move the music to your computer -- there are quite a few, hopefully free.

After rescuing the music check out Apple's site again for how to reformat the iPod either from within the player or using iTunes -- don't try using Windows disk utilities.
thanks fihart for your reply,i think maybe reformat(mass delete)is my only option now,i am looking at the apple website but all i find is other people with ipod problems,hehe..other MP3 players are so simple to drag and drop files to copy,not again fihart