Rip dvd movies on HTC Incredible S

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May 23, 2011
it's so happy that i bought a brand new HTC Incredible S,i like it so much,i want to watching dvd movies or blu-ray movies on it,but i don't know it what to do with it.i download too much programs but all failed,so i have to tried any dvd cloner to do this,but there is problems comes out,i converted dvd video to mkv format, did i have to convert it into mp4 format?did any one can give me any better program?
well for starters you have to convert them to a file format that is compatable with your device. check your manual to see the list of what formats it supports.

i know there are programs out there that can convert dvd video to a size more suited for ipods, itouch, etc but not sure if the resolution will match your device.

i was looking for a similar program (but for a different use) a week ago and the suggestions i got didnt fit my needs.
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