Samsung bootmgr is missing


Jul 27, 2017
Hi All !! Need help !!
After re-installing the windows 7 on my samsung 700z3a it's not booting the windows .. it's just showing bootmgr is missing ..
Things i tried !!
1- Installation of different window iso
2- already did system repair
3- already did that cmd "command "rebuildbcd"
windows only boots when usb is plugged in and if i select usb 1st to boot ..
please help me out 🙁
it's been 18 hours and didn't get any solution 🙁
Sounds like you did not quite do the installation properly, boot off the setup media, go into the advanced disk option, delete all partitions on the hard drive, continue the setup and let it create a new partition on the disk. This will wipe the disk and make sure the partition is setup properly. Make sure you do not change any BIOS boot settings or disk settings after you setup Windows.
Sounds like you did not quite do the installation properly, boot off the setup media, go into the advanced disk option, delete all partitions on the hard drive, continue the setup and let it create a new partition on the disk. This will wipe the disk and make sure the partition is setup properly. Make sure you do not change any BIOS boot settings or disk settings after you setup Windows.
Hi, Subtain
did you solve it? Or still no? I have the same problem and i have absolutely no idea how to fix it :-(

If you did it, please tell the solution public. TYVM

All you mentioned here I tried.

Tip by ErAnkurPaul has no effect... I have tried this from the begining since I tried to reinstall my laptop :-/
ok, I don't understand it, but the solution for me was:
1) burn image to dvd
2) windows installation booting from external dvd drive
then ntb is booting from internal hdd without plugged usb I hope this will be useful for another one who will read this topic