samsung tv model le40n87bdx/xec Clicking OFF-ON problem


Dec 14, 2016
hi...I have the question about my samsung tv model le40n87bdx/xec clicking on off problem. I am not electronic guy but I heard many people have same problem with power supply board and capacitors. I opend up my tv and disconected mother board..normally I have to see blown..swolen capacitors. But I didnt. Anyway..I went to electronic shop and ask them for about 5 main them and replaced them. Tv was fine 1 week...and suddenly one day after 30 min. working he gone OFF-ON....minute after same OFF-ON...and like that in circle. Hmm??What I did again...took out the main board and replaced all the rest of capacitors what was on the board...step by step one by one..worked fine...few days! and again same problem started. I have seen on one forum someone said to change transistor..I also change that. Seriously I dont have idea what else I can change? Thanks for your advice!
If you don't see a defective component (usually a capacitor), you may have a heat related issue where a bad solder or broken trace can heat up, expand, and lose continuity. You might have to replace the entire PS board.
If you don't see a defective component (usually a capacitor), you may have a heat related issue where a bad solder or broken trace can heat up, expand, and lose continuity. You might have to replace the entire PS board.