Say No to a Body Scan and Face 'Intimate' Search

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I'd rather go for the search. I'm all in favor of someone of the opposite sex doing it though. The second a guy tries to do a cavity search on me, I'm going to the scanner.
The more scans you get in your life, the more likely you are to have health problems. I would opt out. I'm not traveling to the US, and this is one of the reasons.
Opt-in or get an intimate search. Is not a choice. Might as well say do this or death, they need to stop pretending that we have a two options to be able to fly.
"as long as the body scan is done by a qualified agent of the same sex as the individual being scanned than i personally dont see what the problem is."

What if youre gay? What if the searcher is gay?

"The FBI can be listening to every phone call I make, go through my computer (don't mind the hot pics of my GF), go through my bank accounts I don't care...why? I have nothing to hide."

The ignorance implied in this statement and the acknowledgment of this person saying he/she worked for the TSA only compounds the significance of their ignorance. Corporate espionage, is only one of many reasons why the masses employed in the NSA, CIA, FBI and ESPECIALLY the jokers in the TSA should have no right to any private info. The problem is especially compounded by psychopathic behaviour which is actually a prerequisite for employment in these intelligence agencies. Ever wonder what kind of person finds it easy to decieve others? Youll find them in the 1st 3 agencies listed. Ever wonder what kind of person can pass a lie detector test while lieing? The same. A self-conscious law-abiding person will have a hard time passing any of their 'lie-detector' tests, only psychopaths do well.
I've got a coworker who loves this tech and thinks scans should be even more detailed. But put serial numbers on his bullets and hes all kinds of pissed off at "big government."

I despise the freedoms we are having taken away by the patriot act. It would be much easier to solve the problem than the symptoms.
To all that are defending this:

Prove that any "enhanced screening tactics" have stopped one terrorist. One person. Made one flight safer. You can't.

9/11 prompted only two changes that actually made flight safer. 1) Steel reinforced cockpit doors. 2) Enhanced public awareness. Every single would-be terrorist since 9/11 made it through security to be stopped by the public.

Stop coddling security theater. There is no reason why I need to be treated like a terrorist or a prisoner just because I need to get to a different part of the country.
This is pointless. From the looks of it, you could just stuff the bomb under your armpit. The scan doesn't seem to cover that part of the body.

I'd rather just hope they get more people from Africa to do it. The last guy just ended up singeing his nut hairs. LOL
[citation][nom]Travis Beane[/nom]So, who wants some Viagra before we fly today? I'll bring a whole bottle.^_^Is it so wrong that if, need be, I prefer to be searched by the opposite sex? Do I really want to have some man perform a cavity search? I'd either break their arm or my own in the process.Then again, maybe they should hire doctors to do it, how many men get their prostate checked? You may be cocaine and bomb free, but cancer may be hiding!Or maybe I need to stop posting when I'm tired.[/citation]

Yeah cause im so sure that females really want males doing their cavity inspections, i was talking on a general level dumbass.
Opt out and have them perform the body search, but make sure to not shower for weeks so they are forced to hurry you a long for their own safety. :)
I understand the reasoning for requiring this type of security but I don't agree with it. Attacking the problem and not the symptom is the answer, like another said above. But the issue lies in what that really means, the problem is a growing number of religious extremists and the only way to deter those people from acting is not something most of you have the stomach for. Not that I find all out war appealing but many people i know who are from regions of our planet where these people live have informed me that the only way to win is to wipe them all out. Our country doesn't have the Sack or stomach for that. and they know it. I wish things could just be different and we could just get along. 🙁 Such an impasse is hard to deal with.
[citation][nom]JonnyDough[/nom]Religion. Its the same reason we want to kill them.[/citation]
Now, now, don't go grouping us all with the all-inclusive 'we'. As a faithful follower of his Noodley Greatness the Flying Spaghetti Monster I have nothing against you 3 groups of folks that believe in the old man in the sky.
This is just blackmailing people into the scanners "or else...".

This is completely unacceptable. I avoid flying, and I would surely avoid any airport who treats people without respect, like garbage.
[citation][nom]chick0n[/nom]You have nothing to hide right? keep going thru that scanner and don't be shock when you see a tumor. TSA? u mean those rent-a-cop I mean drop outs? I have zero respect for them. Keeping us safe? kiss my ass.[/citation]
i couldnt agree more. they are a dime a dozen, couldnt make it onto a real force....mall cops lol!
This is completely ridiculous. However, I still don't understand why more people aren't out getting a pilot's license? I got mine 8 years ago and have traveled all over the US in comfort and privacy while keeping my own schedule. Oh well...
[citation][nom]chiral[/nom]@chick0nLeaving the USA? See ya later, but you won't find a more humanitarian and freedom focused country on this planet.While I don't agree with these body scanners (I'd prefer they triple the amount of air marshals), they have a purpose and should be used to save lives.[/citation]
look north my friend... Canada is as free or more then USA and MOST CERTAINLY MORE HUMANITARIAN! Remember the last war Canada started? oh wait... there isn't one. We don't even have a military hardly, we don't need it!

Americans do need to step up and stop these scans, It violates your constitutional rights... im Canadian and even i know that. Voice your opinions get rid of it

Seems to me the Constitution is something the USA government preaches but does not actually respect. It seems like every day something small and trivial is being taken from you and no one stands up to say F U! one example: your phone calls are ALL taped. The old government (The Bush administration) imposed so many anti privacy laws after 911 you have no freedom anymore. You can't do anything.... if law enforcement wants to know about you they will take your computers, listen to your calls, look @ bank records ECT. and all this can be done without any court involvement!! LOL, that’s brutal. Your Government will force an ISP to hand over your internet behaviors.. Without ever needing a courts order! they just walk on in and take it! that's brutal.

All these things may be small and\or trivial but when do they stop? eventualy (if not already) USA will be the land of the NOT-so-free and the home of any willing to accept it.

Believe me I am not anti USA, I frequently vacation in your warmer states, its lovely and i have been to about 12 states total. It's a great place.... but if your constitution is continued to be spit on, USA sivilians will suffer imensly.

Believe me I am not anti USA, I frequently vacation in your warmer states, its lovely. I have been to about 12 states total (all the northern ones, Hawaii, Florida and CA.)And believe I have a true sense of what American is about. It's a great place.... BUT! if your constitution is continued to be spit on, USA civilians will suffer immensely, USA won’t even be a decent place to visit, might as well go to a communist country.

For me… I will walk through the scanner in USA… In Canada I will fight for my rights and never go in that scanner!

Sry so long.
[citation][nom]burnley14[/nom]I prefer intimate body cavity searches. Voluntarily.[/citation]

Yeah, they look at me funny when I grab their hands and put them on my body. Squeeeeeeeeeze hard, baby!
[citation][nom]bpislife[/nom]What is sad is that they will still probably let a terrorist through.[/citation]

yeah, since it's Illegal to profile, which is THE most effective techniques for screening
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