In memory options (menu) you must select your SD card as primary. Then you are ready to roll
p.s. Connect the phone with your computer and CUT/Paste your photos inside your SD card ( remember to recover them into PC for safe)
In memory options (menu) you must select your SD card as primary. Then you are ready to roll
p.s. Connect the phone with your computer and CUT/Paste your photos inside your SD card ( remember to recover them into PC for safe)
How do I store my pictures and music to my sd card instead of directly to my straight talk LGL34C phone
GeRgY :
In memory options (menu) you must select your SD card as primary. Then you are ready to roll
p.s. Connect the phone with your computer and CUT/Paste your photos inside your SD card ( remember to recover them into PC for safe)
How do I store my pictures and music to my sd card instead of directly to my straight talk LGL34C phone
GeRgY :
In memory options (menu) you must select your SD card as primary. Then you are ready to roll
p.s. Connect the phone with your computer and CUT/Paste your photos inside your SD card ( remember to recover them into PC for safe)
.... Ok I've been to the settings. And every where I know to look how do I get to that part of the menu? I can't download my apps or nothing and my card is got tunns of space?