Umm guns can actually hurt people, violent video games can't? Why was this is a hard question to answer for the CEO?
Let me see now. so gun crimes are caused by violent video games. In the last 20 years, gun crime has dropped. So there must be fewer violent video games now than 20 years ago... Oh wait...These comments make me extremely sad. I am sure my post will be down voted but so be it.
People are so naive its sad and uniformed its sad. The guy brought up a extremely good point. Why is it ok to sell violent video games and movies? Are people really so naive they think these sick psycho paths we see in the news just wake up one morning and decide to commit these acts of violence out of the blue? There idea's have to come from some where. I am positive it didn't come from gun magazines, firearms, gun stores, or anything firearm related other then Tv, Movies, and video games. Here is a nice little fact to look up the the DOJ has reported gun crimes have fallen dramatically over the past 20 years. I don't see news stations reporting that thought.