Shareholders Ask Why Amazon Sells Violent Games, But Not Guns

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Maybe because one doesn't require you to keep track of an encyclopedia changing of gun regulations whereas the other one doesn't?
Turns out it is a lot harder to kill a person with a violent video game than it is a gun. It is pretty damn silly to compare the two.
Turns out it is a lot harder to kill a person with a violent video game than it is a gun. It is pretty damn silly to compare the two.
The argument is stupid and has no basis. So now Amazon can't sell blenders because you might have watched Fargo? The shareholder was trying to push his own extreme right-winged agenda.
Unless the next mass murder starts launching Blu-ray discs in a crowded setting, effectively killing people...they need to SIT DOWN!
Because violent movies aren't designed for the specific purpose of harming or killing something? I'm sure if you rubbed two neurons together you could figure it out.
I saw a few nuke launches in the COD MW series, guess what ... you can't buy nukes at Amazon either! I know, that's just so, so wrong!
These comments make me extremely sad. I am sure my post will be down voted but so be it.
People are so naive its sad and uniformed its sad. The guy brought up a extremely good point. Why is it ok to sell violent video games and movies? Are people really so naive they think these sick psycho paths we see in the news just wake up one morning and decide to commit these acts of violence out of the blue? There idea's have to come from some where. I am positive it didn't come from gun magazines, firearms, gun stores, or anything firearm related other then Tv, Movies, and video games. Here is a nice little fact to look up the the DOJ has reported gun crimes have fallen dramatically over the past 20 years. I don't see news stations reporting that thought.
I don't get it. Even thought they don't sell guns, they do sell lots of gun accessories. I have purchased many gun accessories off of Amazon, because I refused to do business with the local gun store in my area.
It is such an inconvenience when one can't purchase violent video games and guns from the same place (/sarcasm). Why does amazon sell violent video games, but not guns?
A: Seriously Casual hit the nail on the head I think: "it is a lot harder to kill a person with a violent video game than it is a gun."
My 2¢: Nothing can replace good parenting/counseling. Using violent video game as a scapegoats for gun violence does nothing to address the real issues surrounding gun violence (that's why the NRA likes to talk about it every time there is a tragedy).
I buy gun parts there all the time. It wasn't just a few months ago I just bought a heavier recoil spring for my 1911. Great price, quick shipping.
Hell, I'd love to buy guns from there, for that matter. One click buy to send direct to my FFL would be perfect.
It doesn't really strike a chord with me on the attacks on games and guns(The arguments are always there and so long as we have mouths to speak an opinion will be formed) what actually bothers me more is the shareholders viewpoint:
"One of the shareholders asked Bezos for specific steps, pointing out that parents cannot always control what their children are doing. "I think that you hold some responsibility for this.""
Why is parenting shifting regulations to corporations where the bottom line is capitalism, is it really such a good idea to trust corporations like say hostess to tell your kid hey I think you have eaten too many of our cookies; or should we continue to allow our clouded judgement of unfettered access to the internet to be a good thing for children... I remember the arguments about too much TV for children when I was growing up and the introduction of the v-chip to help regulate the content consumed by us, question is why aren't parents using it when most technologies have parental controls... oh and in-case they want to argue they don't know how you might take a lesson from your 5 year old utilizing YouTube to learn his/her around the internet and gaming.
On another point for those arguing that these psycho paths don't just wake up one day and do this... what about Vlad the Impaler, Gacy, Hitler, The uni-bomber, and the vast amount of others that have existed through-out history. I assure that this type of violent insurgency existed without mediums of entertainment to warp and twist their "innocent" little minds.
It doesn't really strike a chord with me on the attacks on games and guns(The arguments are always there and so long as we have mouths to speak an opinion will be formed) what actually bothers me more is the shareholders viewpoint:
"One of the shareholders asked Bezos for specific steps, pointing out that parents cannot always control what their children are doing. "I think that you hold some responsibility for this.""
Why is parenting shifting regulations to corporations where the bottom line is capitalism, is it really such a good idea to trust corporations like say hostess to tell your kid hey I think you have eaten too many of our cookies; or should we continue to allow our clouded judgement of unfettered access to the internet to be a good thing for children... I remember the arguments about too much TV for children when I was growing up and the introduction of the v-chip to help regulate the content consumed by us, question is why aren't parents using it when most technologies have parental controls... oh and in-case they want to argue they don't know how you might take a lesson from your 5 year old utilizing YouTube to learn his/her around the internet and gaming.
On another point for those arguing that these psycho paths don't just wake up one day and do this... what about Vlad the Impaler, Gacy, Hitler, The uni-bomber, and the vast amount of others that have existed through-out history. I assure that this type of violent insurgency existed without mediums of entertainment to warp and twist their "innocent" little minds.
@ hotroderx Actually i think you have it confused yourself. There was horrific murders and war well before movies and video games. I am thinking that video games and movies mimic real life rather than the other way around as your argument would suggest. If everyone was fluffy bunnies and rainbows in real life and thats what we wanted, then that is what these comercial companies would be developing.
@ hotroderx Actually i think you have it confused yourself. There was horrific murders and war well before movies and video games. I am thinking that video games and movies mimic real life rather than the other way around as your argument would suggest. If everyone was fluffy bunnies and rainbows in real life and thats what we wanted, then that is what these comercial companies would be developing.
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