Sharp LC46X20E Flashing Red Light Solution


Oct 14, 2017
I have a Sharp LC46X20E TV That has a Red flashing led and will not power up. I need the sequence of buttons to press in what order to gain access to the service mode please for this particular model. As each model seems to have a slightly different selection of buttons to press. Once I am in service mode I can then view to see any faults and if they can be cleared manually, I need to do this first before I look at the next possible solution which may be the Inverter board which hold the transformers. Can any one please give me the method where I know the power needs to be unplugged and two buttons on TV held then power plugged in...................Any help available...... Thank You
I don't know the answer to your question but I suspect that if the TV won't turn on you won't be able to access the service menu. It's not a PC and the service menu is not like bios. It's almost positively a hardware problem.
You can check with
They sell replacement boards and are very helpful.

Hello. Thank You for your reply. What I have discovered is that if I unplug the power cord then hold down the volume minus button and source/input button on the TV and keep held down then plugging in the power cord still holding the buttons. The green light comes on then the TV tries to power up, shows a K in a small box on screen then I hold down the volume minus and programme down buttons on the TV which should take the mode to Service Mode, where I can discover if there are any lamp errors which can be reset. But after the K appears on screen and I hold the volume minus and programme down the scree remains black and two separate green lights show on the LED display one in stand bye led and one in OPC led. Beyond this I don't know. I have been advised that I need to get the set into the service mode , but can't get it there and don't know what the two green lights mean. With Thanks........