Shp9500, amp for xbox one and pc out there?

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Sep 26, 2017
is there a good amp/dac that i can use for both xbox one X and PC?

i am also post my other question from another post here in hopes someone answers

"I am looking into getting a new headset and don't have an idea what would be good. I got a budget of 160$ in total.

My idea was etheir hyperx alpha or the flight as I do like wireless. Now I do know there are other non gaming option that sounds much better but I am uneducated on this front. If possible any recommendations that I listed or other would be great to hear. I can push my budget a little as well."

thanks :)


Sep 26, 2017

Thank you for answering,

I should have posted a price range which I did on another forum but I guess I update my post.

I have decided to go with a shp9500 and a vmodo mic instead of the game zero.

So I was looking for an amp that can be use for said platform and it be a bonus if I can connect both of them at once.

My price range is around 150$ but prefer if I can find a nice cheap solution. As your recommendation is price around 400$ which is sadly out of my range :(

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