Signal loss using HDMI from computer to tv



I have a Dell notebook that I watch standard tv network shows on. I have no trouble doing this. But wanted to watch on a larger screen. Have tried two HDMI cables but have signal loss numberous times throughout a show. Probably 50 lost signals in an hour. The tv is a Seiki 720p 1080p 50hz. Every time after it loses the signal it says 1080p 50hz in a box in the upper right hand corner. Please help. I wouldn't have even known how to get the sound to the tv at first if a geek on a sight like this had not literally walked someone else through it step by step.
Where did you get the value of 50 Hz from? I thought the Seiki's had the standard 60 Hz refresh rate.

You should have provided the exact model of Dell notebook computer and Seiki TV.

Thanks for responding the tv is 32in and the laptop is Dell 1525.

I am not even sure where I got the 50hz from. The tv is Seiki 32 in and the laptop is Dell 1525. Hey, I am so techno slow it was a miracle I even came up with using the HDMI since I ordered a usb to usb online first. Oh yeh, when that didn't work someone in a store told me I needed hdmi. Then I read the book that came with the tv and it said to use a VGA so I tried that and the picture stayed put but the light background kept flashing. Really not kidding when I say it took me like 20 minutes and more than one try just to figure out how to post my question. I do appreciate any help and thank you to all who have answered. Also, when I did get a picture with the hdmi I spent some time looking on forums to find out why there was no sound. Fortuneately someone else had already answered that question with step by step instructions on how to change the sound output on the laptop. Even then I had to try several times(kept missing the last step). It did work but for some reason switching from the hdmi sound output back to the laptop sound output I had to do several times to get it to work. I'm pretty sure I was doing all the steps right every time?:)
Your statement "... the light background kept flashing.", when you used the VGA cable, seems to indicate the wrong refresh rate (too low?) was being used (or defaulted to) in the Display Properties when you are using the external display.

You need to ensure that the resolution and refresh rates are set correctly for the external display.

Do you have/use an ATI or Intel graphics controller in the Inspiron 1525?
I am sorry I don't know what ATI and intel graphics mean. I think I get resolution and refresh rates kinda but have no idea how to reset them or set them for an external display. As I said just to get sound set for the outside device(hdmi) I had to use step by step instructions someone posted online.