Small and light Android phone

I don't focus on the usual specs for a phone. First and foremost, the call quality must be excellent. Size and weight are important to me. I'm not going to carry a six-ounce slug around with me.

Are there decent small-and-light Android phones? The Galaxy S III Mini is what sparked my attention, but I don't see many reviews yet


Dec 5, 2012
I've got the Droid Razr M. It's equipped with a fast dual core chip. The battery lasts around 36 hours if I am in reasonable cell signal areas (~30% signal quality or higher) and the screen to me is of excellent quality. Call quality is top-notch, I can talk with the windows down while on the highway and still be heard and hear clearly. The speaker when using speaking phone calls is not as good as my previous phone, an LG entry level smartphone, but while playing music through the speaker, it is much better for some reason. There were plenty of case options when I picked one out, an Otterbox Commuter case which added roughly 3mm in each direction. It is of a comparable size to the iphone 4, not quite a tall/long as the iphone 5. At time of upgrading from the old phone, it was $90 at the Verizon store.
After all that, I got tired of waiting for the S4 mini to come out on ATT (my carrier) and got a full-sized S4. I'm wondering how many days before the amazement of having everything on that pocketable thing wears off and I use it only for the phone and calendar.