So I paid $1245 for a Best Buy config Lenovo Y50 2GB 860M and 8 GB DDR3

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FYI, I saw benchmarks for the "980M" compared to DESKTOP CPU's and the laptop was beating the GTX770 desktop, and almost matching the GTX780.

It wasn't quite apples-to-apples as the desktop had a better CPU but usually in modern games that's not a huge difference as the laptop still had a good Intel mobile CPU.

Not sure how the 980M compares to the 970M but the performance should be quite exceptional since a GTX770 is still a great card so if you can match, or almost match that it should be great. I'm going to guess at no more than 20% difference between 980M and 970M.

Add in MFAA when it comes out to boost frame rates (for 900 series only) and it's quite possible you'll easily match a GTX770 (which can't use MFAA).

(MFAA may not be...


Nov 8, 2014

For gaming mostly, but I feel like the $200 for improved specs would help.


Nov 8, 2014
No, just this is going to be my gaming rig. I like portability. I am a novice in this area, so dont really know what is best. $700 for a Satellite is the most I've spent. I just wanted to know if $1400 for an upgraded Y50 is good or if I'm a fool for paying for what I could prob get better in some other computer for the equivalent price.


Feb 29, 2008
If you want considerable gaming power on the move, then you are looking for a gaming laptop. And they are expensive.

If you only game at home, your money will be better spent on a self built PC.

1) beyond 8GB is currently pointless. I can't say if that will change in the next two years but I doubt it.

2) VRAM beyond 2GB is harder to say. At your performance level if aiming for about 60FPS then there aren't currently any games which would benefit.

4GB may matter in the future for games designed with the XBOX1/PS4 in mind. We've already seen an example, Watch Dogs, which ran smoother on the PS4 but had major stutter on PC. The new game consoles can use about 5GB (shared) memory so at times we're likely to see 3GB of that as video memory thus a PC port can easily go over 2GB.

*Ask me a year ago and I'd have told you that more than 2GB on a laptop was pointless with only an 860M. Now, it's UNCERTAIN for future games.


Nov 8, 2014

Would the 8 DDR3 to 16 be worth it?

I was just about to link this.

Much better GPU. It has "only" 3GB of VRAM though I don't think that will matter overall. As I said before more than 8GB likely won't matter for System RAM.

So for $100 more than the one he linked this is overall a much better system for gaming. I'm guessing 30% difference but haven't found a reliable benchmark yet..

There are also new FEATURES with the new chip and one of this is MFAA which can reduce anti-aliasing overhead to eke out higher frame rates. Can't comment further since that's for a future driver update.

I assume THESE FEATURES still apply to the mobile version:


Feb 29, 2008
If all you do on your laptop is game and regular stuffs, 8GB is sufficient.

For the graphics card, 4GB is sufficient. Desktop variants still only have 4GB.

$185 is a lot of money just to add 8GB of RAM.

I'm not sure why you asked me this when I answered it clearly above. As I said, I don't know if it will matter for GAMING but currently it does not.

I recommend getting the MSI 970M. It's about 10% more than the $1245 you mentioned and a far better GPU for gaming.

I think the 970M is closer to 40% better than an 860M but still having trouble finding reliable benchmarks. Add MFAA into the mix and we might be over 50% comparatively but I'm guessing here. NVidia claimed "up to" a 30% improvement in frame rates by using MFAA.

I'm done. Cheers.
FYI, I saw benchmarks for the "980M" compared to DESKTOP CPU's and the laptop was beating the GTX770 desktop, and almost matching the GTX780.

It wasn't quite apples-to-apples as the desktop had a better CPU but usually in modern games that's not a huge difference as the laptop still had a good Intel mobile CPU.

Not sure how the 980M compares to the 970M but the performance should be quite exceptional since a GTX770 is still a great card so if you can match, or almost match that it should be great. I'm going to guess at no more than 20% difference between 980M and 970M.

Add in MFAA when it comes out to boost frame rates (for 900 series only) and it's quite possible you'll easily match a GTX770 (which can't use MFAA).

(MFAA may not be suitable for fast-paced games. We'll see how that pans out when driver updates with MFAA support arrive.)


Nov 8, 2014
Just an update, I ordered from sager for $1632
i7 4810 2.8 GHz
GTX 970m 6GB
12 GB DDR3
1 TB hard rive

Hope I didnt shoot myself in the foot by not getting the 980m but the upgrade cost was higher, by about $200
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