I agree with Sony. Hardcore gamers won't be buying an Apple for gaming anytime soon.
Casual gamers that only play games on their phone or computer when they are board or waiting for something it the kind of gamers Apple gets. Those are people like my wife. She mostly just played brickbreaker on her blackberry until she got the Bold now there is a new casual game she plays. Trust me you will never see her play Starcraft II or any games on the Playstation 3 and she is extremely unlikely to spend any more than $9.99 on a game. She would buy a game like Tetris, Suduko you know the kind, little rinky dink games like bejeweled or puzzle games. People like her are what the Apple market has. A real gamer like myself, I have Starcraft II and the God of War collection. She would never play games like those. So, Sony is correct because Apple has attacted gamers like my wife. Not REAL gamers, just people that play games when they are board.