where are you guys pulling this figure out off , yoru anus ? seriously one web site quotes that 360 failrate is at 54% ( but this is only ammoung THEIR site visitors that did their dumb poll) and you act like thi9er word is holy law , and apply that rate to ALL the coutry of 360's , yet soem one mentions sony's might have a problem you pull this ghosted ass .5%n figure out of teh thin air , where the fuck are your fact you bunch of fanboys ???
chirst , i'm not a fan boy i just hate seening blantant fanboyism thrown around, i knwo jsut amny fols have a ps3 die on them as a 360 and even sony said they removed the backward ps2 chips fromteh ps3 becaseu of heating issues. i knwo oen person that had a 360 croak on tehm and i know one person that had a ps3 croak on them. also has it occured to you peoepla re doging teh ps3 becasue of it's price , ??? sure the 360 may croak otu , but at elast you avhe a warrenty for 3 eyars taht covers such a issue , plus the cosnole is the cheapest on market right now , while the ps3 is teh most expensive .. jsut sayign for ever argument you pose teh other side has decent arguments as well
so pelae stopt eh fanboyism ..