The other issue here is that UK warranties aren't limited to one year - that is the absoloute minimum they are obliged to provide.
The warranty extends to a period of reasonable expectation of correct operation of any product purchased in the uk.
Therefore if your PS3 stops working you have an argument that since it cost three times as much as a nintendo wii or twice as much as an xbox and is marketed as a premium product, and is still well within its expected life cycle you have a reasonable expectation for it still to be functioning, and more importantly, when the shop sold it to you there was a reasonable expectation for it still to work 18 months down the line.
Some shops will not buy this, however some will, I know someone who bought a vaio laptop that broke 15 momths after purchase, and he succesfully argued (at PC World of all places) that there was an expectation for it to last longer than a medion laptop, at they conceded and paid for a repair.