Yesterday it's battery was low so it's LED was blinking, as I was going home already I long pressed the Power button to turn it off. But upon trying to turn it again, only its LED is now turning on, there is no indicator that the harddisk is active (checked the harddisk and it was fine) as it's indicator light is not turning on. I removed everything and reseated everything to no avail. I even tried using another monitor but no, it is not the monitor.
The green LED of the Power button is turning on but there is no display in the monitor, no post. I am out of ideas on how to solve this. Anyone who have some hints I could try? Even clicking the Assist button does not display anything on the monitor.
Thank you so much in advance!
The green LED of the Power button is turning on but there is no display in the monitor, no post. I am out of ideas on how to solve this. Anyone who have some hints I could try? Even clicking the Assist button does not display anything on the monitor.
Thank you so much in advance!