Sony Vegas Pro 13 crashes computer when rendering

Rankin McKechnie

Feb 23, 2015
Whenever I try to render my gameplay footage in Vegas Pro 13, the softeware - and my computer - crash (or in this case freeze) when the rendering is around 2% complete. I should mention that work with very high quality footage (1920x1080, 50mbps, 60fps). When my computer freezes, most of the time my mouse cursor stops moving, any sounds coming from my computer stop, but my computer hardware still proceeds to be active. Occasionally my computer will crash to the Blue Screen of Death and restart.

I have never found the solution, but I fear that my CPU and computer temperature might have something to do with it. I have an AMD FX-8350 at 3.92Ghz which I'm afraid might not be powerful enough to handle these kinds of tasks. I've tried GPU rendering with CUDA on my GTX 1070 FE, but also results in my computer freezing. In my preferences tab, I have Dynamic RAM set to '0' (unlimited), and Rendering threads set to '2'.

I've tried turning GPU acceleration off, but it makes no difference. Any ideas?
From what i have heard Sony Vegas developing team won't be releasing any new updates or versions. I don't do video editing but now it is 2016 and without any major updates to support new hardware i am not surprised that you are having rendering crashes. Try to render same content with some other available tool to see if you are going to experience the same issue. About the heat problem(just to make sure).
1)Download and install HW monitor
2) Download this is Aida64 and run stability test for cpu and gpu to determine the behaviour under full load. If your temepratures are not exceeding 75 Celsius for Cpu and 85 for Gpu and Cpu Throttling s not shown in the graph(you will notice it) you are on the safe side. With any further questions feel free to ask, i wil answer as soon as see new content

My PSU is an Insignia 520W NS-PCW5250 and my motherboard is an AsRock Killer 990FX AM3+. Before posting this, I couldn't track my CPU temperatures, but when I tried to render using GPU acceleration and CUDA, the temperature for my graphics card was around 75° C. My RAM (if it matters) are 2x8GB DDR3 1600Mhz, automatically underclocked to 1066Mhz. I looked at my resource monitor, and Vegas only uses about 9.5 of 16GB, also including other programs running in the background.

By "other tool" if you're referring to another editing software, I have used Shotcut to try to edit my videos, but it also crashes the same way. I don't think this is a coincidence. But I'll try to render my video again with the hardware monitor and give you the results.


Alright, so here are my results without GPU acceleration, CPU only. (I stopped the rendering at exactly 2% before the software could crash my computer).

I'm no expert on power supplies, or their rating (bronze, gold, platinum, etc.) I always thought it was a marketing gimmick, what would you recommend? One thing I thought about trying was using a secondary power supply externally, (using a paperclip to short out the motherboard connector) dedicated to my graphics card to free up more power availability. However, that'll be my last resort.

I'm just using the stock heatsink the cpu came with, nothing fancy. I've tried tweaking the fan speeds on the CPU, but there aren't any configurable settings unfortunately. In the meanwhile, I've taken off my computer's side panel for better airflow. As for budget, I'm willing to spend up to $60-ish for a new PSU.

Alright, while I didn't fix the problem, I found out something interesting: From a trick I saw in a video, I created a power plan and set the maximum CPU usage to 90%. I started to render the video, and it got past 2% without freezing. It did crash eventually, however I was away while it happened. What I do know is that the video got to at least 27%. I did use the HWmonitor and the cpu temperature went up to around 64 C. I don't have the final crash results as my computer restarted itself, but from this, I suppose we can assume the problem is indeed either heat related power related, or both.

One thing I did forget to mention was about my stock CPU heatsink, it never came with any thermal paste (like in a tube you squirt on the CPU). On the underside of the heatsink, there was a square of some sticky paste which I guess was the "pre-installed" thermal paste, but I'm not entirely sure. Some have told me the thermal paste that comes with a heatsink is pretty unreliable for heat transfer. I don't even know if my heatsink is installed correctly as it slides around a bit on the cpu surface.
Alright, it's been awhile since my last post. I've decided to just buy new hardware since upgrading my current computer isn't really worth the money. While I wait for the holidays to buy a new CPU, motherboard, and RAM, I've decided to try and overclock my CPU. I tried overclocking it up to 4.6 GHz and 1.41 volts. However, once I log into Windows, it's usually not even thirty seconds before I am greeted with a blue screen of death and an "UNCORRECTABLE ERROR". After I try and reboot, my motherboard won't load up the BIOS. Then I have to unplug the computer from the power, hold down the power button to discharge any remaining power, then plug it back in. Half the time I do this, the BIOS reset.

So for now I've just decided to stick with X-Boost instead of overclocking. One of my friends suggested getting a water cooler instead of a better heatsink. Another one of my friends said to underclock my CPU a bit (or turn off X-Boost) to hopefully stop Vegas and other intensive programs from crashing. Anyone else have a say in this?
Man that Vegas issue, i had the same problems, and before the blue screen it crashes. Vegas pro 13 has an issue with the new windows i recommend to move on another program.