Sony: We Can't Make More Movies Thanks to Piracy

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[citation][nom]djackson_dba[/nom]Pirating Miley Cyrus is not a crime... it is a condition that requires immediate psychiatric intervention.[/citation]

yea its like a guy wearing a pink shirt to work. its just wrong!!!! :)


Jun 11, 2001
I'll admit, I pirate movies like crazy and have not went to a movie or bought a moive in years. I see how my attitude once mainstream will pose a big problem for studios.....

But then movie stars making milllllions of dollars per movie doesn't sit well with me either. Pay them $300k a year and I'd still be jealous of their salary.


Oct 18, 2009
Here's an Idea, Sony. I know this sounds crazy, but, why don't you MAKE BETTER MOVIES!!! Seriously, I haven't been to the movies since I saw The Dark Knight last summer. There were some that I wanted to see, but none that looked spectacular enough to spend that kind of money on. Same with the recording industry. Most popular music nowadays sucks so bad that it's not even worth stealing. These diversionary tactics only serve to make the movie/record industries look worse than they already do.


Jan 7, 2009
If there's a good movie worth watching I'll head to the theatre.
Otherwise, I'll just torrent it.

Kinda sucks my theatre is $12.50, 6km away, and all the screens are in horrid condition...


Jun 16, 2007
almost everyone who pirates a movie wont watch it in theater especially if there willing to watch the eye torture that is a cam version.

also who wants to watch a movie in the theater especially with how they try to rip you off, they already overcharge for the tickets and then on top of that they force you to not bring your own food and drinks, so you can buy their crap thats easily 7-15 times more expensive. then while in the place theres like 20 minutes worth of ads before the movie starts, then during the movie theres noise people, tall people who sit in front of you, people who get up every 5 minutes. people who bring little kids in, the are restrictions are there for movie to stop little kids from coming in and being noisy and holding side conversations instead of watching the movie.

I much rather rent the movie for a fraction of the cost and enjoy it in front of a HDTV and surround sound, and have the ability to pause and also offer better sound quality and fewer distractions.

also most pirated movies are from other countries especially if a movie is not released everywhere at 1 time

same as with games, the reason why game companies cant do much about it is because there too stupid to know how to release a game everywhere at the same time, most American games that are pirated, most of the pirates are in other countries that didn't get the game yet (many will still buy the game to use all of it's features and others wont buy it and delete it because they find that the game sucks)

they always flew each download or make up a number and count it as a lost sale even though they cant prove that those people wouldn't have paid to see the movie anyway.

another problem movies suck now, even though they are expensive and have better special effects, they feel cheaper and less thought out because the only reason why they are expensive is because they hire big name actors because they feel that just their name is enough to generate hype. other companies have proved that not hiring big name actors can still get you excellent acting while at the same time cost a fraction of the amount to make.

also most action films generally lack action, there more talking and what you see in the trailer is generally all the action you get (just slightly longer)

movies disappoint so much these days and the trailers are not accurate there only designed to generate hype, because of all of this disappointment many people are more likely to pirate them and then watch in theater if they really enjoyed it and want to watch again. movie reviews are not accurate either because like and dislike is different for everyone on earth, some may find a movie that got a 1/10 rating great while others may hate it.

if movies in theater were cheaper like $1-2, everyone would go more often and will even watch multiple movies.

would you rather have 20 people buy your product at $10 or 15000 people buy your product at $1?



Nov 23, 2008

The industry has a problem of spending too much money. $60+Million for gigglie (Whatever Benifer movie that came out 8 years ago). Or $100million for such crap as Water world.

Let see... we have small Indie films like District 9 (About $17 million) and Moon that have high ratings that are far better movies than Transformers2.... a movie I can live my entire life NOT ever seeing again. Samantha Fox bent over a motorcycle (for some odd reason) I can enjoy any time.

Get it through your STUPID HEAD, HOLLYWOOD!

Reduce your prices to the Theaters...!

$10 to see a damn movie? Even the matinée shows are $8.50 - so I just go see a movie (when I do) at night anyways.

So, I see about 1 movie a month or two. Same for many of my friends.
But guess what... IF I could see a movie for $3.50 matinée (2000 prices) / $5 night... I would see 4~5 movies a month. Even bring a date or girlfriend. More likely TO BUY the DVD!

Nope... I wait till it comes out on HBO 2 years later unless its something I really wanted to see. Like District 9, Star Trek, Pixar Movies.

Make movies costs $5 again and YOU'LL see a change.


If I can rent it online in my country (South Africa) I would gladly pay for it. I refuse to go and sit in cinemas with poor sound and visual quality with kids and adults making noise and using their cellphones.


Oct 28, 2009
It would be fitting if someone used a Sony Cam to bootleg the movie. But I really don't care about Sony or any big company for that matter. For the most part they all turn out crappy movie after crappy movie, but I don't think it's 1 in 3 that suck more like 2/3 if not just the whole lot. Remakes of good (and often times bad) movies are what is rehashed for the most part. I haven't seen anything original and exciting in a long time from Hollywood. Poor sad million/billionaires (heavy sarcasm).


the sony ceo can drive a freakin' toyota corolla before he complains about money - and so can the board members, and movie directors.
when you flash those wasteful hummers - don't expect much from me.

greedy bastard.


Apr 8, 2008
First of all:
Most of these piracy loss claims are rubbish, simply because the people who do not think the movie is worth the money to see would simply not go to see it at all.

Then think about the countries like the one I live in: Estonia
We get only the mega blockbusters here and the rest doesn't come to Estonia on the big screen or on DVD at all.

Meaning, if we want to see the movies that are not absolute blockbusters we need to A:Download them B:Get on a plane to a country where they are shown C:Not see the movie

Then there's the group that cannot afford to go to the movies, and thus wouldn't be part of the "lost profit" anyway.

And then there's those who download it simply because they can.

Mind you, the last group is not that large at all, and most people would prefer going to the movies and see the great movies on the big screen. Because there is something about the cinema that you just can't recreate at home that easily.

The problem is similar to that of the gaming industry, over the past few years, so much crap has been produced that people lose faith in the industry and thus would rather check it out through a download before paying the big bucks for it.

Because whether we are in a recession or not, the games and movies are still going up in price and the salaries are dropping.

Then if you add the fact that most publishers seem to believe that it's OK to sell a polished turd at the full price. (I have news for you.. a polished turd is still a turd)

Face it there have been very very few good movies, games etc. over the past few years.

my two cents...


most people only download the film after it has gone from the cinema and had no intention of going toi see it anyway


Feb 4, 2009
When the industries take the time to make movies worth paying to see, they will suddenly see people WANT to be bothered to fork up to go watch. Until then, stop feeding us crap. I don't even want to be troubled to download your crap movies and watch them, that's how worthless movies are these days...


Jun 22, 2009
Just advertise more in the movies...let people download all they want.. with millions of illegal downloads.. that is a huge market for advertising. Video games should do the same thing.
With advertising in the movie/game..they could lower the cost.. and pass that on to us. I always wait for DVD.. or the $20 dollar bargain bin with games.. because that fits my budget.


Oct 23, 2009
You know why people don't make xerox copies of paperback books? Because the quality is much worse than the original and it costs more to copy it than to buy the real paperback book. There has to be a lesson in there somewhere for Sony and others.

Release it everywhere theaters, iTunes, Hulu, Netflix, etc on the same day, for a dollar? Then produce the DVD box set with memorabilia included? With a lottery ticket inside for some regular Joe who bought a physical copy to win a Million dollars. Combines worldwide mass distribution, with a price so cheap even pirates begin to ask themselves why they're going through the trouble, and that lottery mentality layered on top of it all.

Hard to feel sorry for Sony.


Oct 23, 2009
Taking it one step further and licensing the movie to Internet Service Providers or "edge" network providers like Akamai would be something to consider as well -- since they're apparently watching everything we do anyway.

bill gates is your daddy

Apr 28, 2009
But what about the guy who pirates movies using his Sony camcorder and then uses his Sony laptop to upload the pirated movie? Or better yet...the one that downloads the pirated movie using his sony desktop to decode and burn onto a Sony DVD to play in his Sony DVD player while he watches it on his Sony TV played through his Sony surround sound system?

I guess Sony needs to shut down the entire company. The way I see it...they are an accomplice to the crime.


Oct 28, 2009
[citation][nom]djackson_dba[/nom]Pirating Miley Cyrus is not a crime... it is a condition that requires immediate psychiatric intervention.[/citation]

Indeed. The real crime here is the burden on tax payers in Canada who pay for the mental health.
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