Sony Wins Injunction Against PS3 Jailbreak USBs

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[citation][nom]chick0n[/nom]Ban it. Good job.I am sick and tired of supporting "free leechers"yeah, you heard me.Back up my butt. I have almost 50 PS3 games never had one single scratch on it. Blu-Ray has a protective layer. if you still manage to scratch the disc, you're the problem so stop whinning.[/citation]

Ever thought that some people would like to kill the PS3? Piracy on console is a good thing. Itll drive the number of console centric PoS ports down.
Its an interesting injunction. In the US they just made it legal to back up your own games and such so while i can't see this workign here. personally i wouldn"t really want to crack my ps3 as i just got it and its stil uder warrenty however maybe once thats up i might debate it just to install my games to the hdd (i have never and will never pirate a game if i make something or do work i don't do it for free and would never expect anybody else to give me something for free) but i also know not everybody feels this way and can see why sony would want to fight this and i'm actually on thier side on it.

people who pirate should be procecuted yes i realize they may not have bought the product themself ever thus no legitimate sales were loss but that is a flawed argument. If I'm not willing to pay for internet and there's a unsecure or free wifi spot around me sure thats one thing. if i choose to hack my neighbor's wireless network to get internet acess that is in fact a crime even if combined we do never reach the cap so there's neve ra charge or slowdown it would still be wrong.
What I don't understand is why Sony is doing this. Everything is able to be hacked it took these people some years but they did it, and now Sony wants to stop them? Sony should just come up with a patch and get if over with other then trying to sue some group who hacked their system.
i know this is not a perfect solution, but if CD/DVD/Blue Ray/ Game/Movie/Music manufactures did this it would take away the entire Backup argument.

Its easy, you send in your broken/scratched disk plus a postage and cost of a new disk. lets say about 7-10 bucks. Bang they destroy the old copy and mail you a new one. you have to send in 51% or more of the disk and you get a new one. Just like currency. Problem solved. it is reasonable and then the backup argument is mute.
most of the above comments seem to be somewhat misinformed. since this device has already been reverse engineered and cloned all over the place in china, it will make it everywhere. one thing I think I read though is that you need a certain version of ps3 firmware to run it otherwise it won't work. i'm not certain on that but it could be. sony just needs to block the exploit. it's another buffer overflow exploit just like they use for nearly if not every sony psp hack.

there's already tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of these devices in existance already. I can fully gurantee you. if sony blocks it with an update, that is going to be a lot (yes, a lot) of e-waste.
In terms of gaming I could care less about your employment situation. If that's an issue for you then I suggest you check your priorities in life before you sanctimoniously justify property theft. You leeches sound like the same thugs that justify their crap because other people have car or home owner's insurance. The goal of the PS3 is to inspire development for good quality games. Its a platform that spurs gaming development, gaming software publishers etc. If everyone stole everything when they deemed it OK then there would be no games or a platform to steal it for.

No one twists your arm to buy their product. Don't like there's no Linux? Please. Again check your life Herb. Don't like the prices of the games? Vote with your empty wallet and trade your food stamps for a 360 instead.
Here to that kiniku. I don't own a PS3 nor do I intend to buy one to pirate it. You have to relaize that it is a hobby to crack into things and such but after a while it gets a bit out of hand.

On my above comment earlier, seems like on the flipped side of things that by profiteering off of this situation, it is going to cause some sort of environmental impact. But so do many electronics.

As far as the PS3 being so hyped up, it is typical Sony hype. PS2 didn't deliver up to expectations until the very end and PS3, xbox360 didn't ever really even pan out. I'd be a lot more excited by a PS4 of an XBOX4 than continually go over and debate some little USB key to pirate games that are hardly even worth looking at.
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