SOPA Shelved After White House Petition Response

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In the USA:
PROTECT IP has NOT been shot down, and poses a similar threat to Americans.

In the EU:
ACTA is arguably worse, is almost unheard of, and will censor/filter Europeans' internet on an unprecedented level. Oh, and it will reinforce patent and seed monopolies for large corporations.

We don't live in a dictatorship, it takes more than Obama to pass a bill. There were plenty of people in Congress, whether they be democrat or GOP, tea bagging, ultra conservative republican that were ready to pass this. Stop acting like it's going to change once you get your republican hero in office and the sun will shine again. The media will not allow someone that isn't a corporate puppet into office. If you have any doubts and still think Republicans are the middle class hero of some sort, keep in mind Rupert Murdoch, the billionaire who's trying to whine about piracy above, is the owner of Fox News. Every piece of "information" he puts out is going to be in his best interest.

This isn't an issue of Red vs Blue anymore. Both sides are in the pocket of private interests. They're withdrawing because this got too much public notice, but once things quiet down it will be slipped under the radar like so many things are. That's how our government works. Partisanship only serves to divide the people so they can be more easily controlled.
I still got a whiff of stinky smell coming out of this. For some reason I have a hunch Obama is full of it because he reeks of socialism.
[citation][nom]DroKing[/nom]I still got a whiff of stinky smell coming out of this. For some reason I have a hunch Obama is full of it because he reeks of socialism.[/citation]

Why? Because he thought everyone should have health care? You know, a lot of non-socialist countries do this...

But, down with socialism. Not like we need public schools, roads, police and fire units, public transportation, USPS... oh.
[citation][nom]Koga73[/nom]Nobody likes Obama. While he appears to be siding with the internet users on this its just for votes. Soon the legislation will be rewritten with generalized shady language allowing for the government to take advantage of the loopholes and work the internet blacklist back in. Theres really no way to completely block content on the internet so intellectual property owners just need to accept that their work is always going to be stolen or pirated one way or another.[/citation]

i like him, and so do many other people not addicted to faux news. this is about internet freedom, but because Rupert Murdoch supports it peopel who watch faux get a nice big biased report on how it not passig brings us closer to an athiest man on animal america... it is a bad bill with overeaching powers... hopefully it doesn't pass and if a bill does come out with this subject it'll be fair.. imagine a world where patent trolls liek apple can shut down any website on suspition of thier IP being infringed and having to show no proof of it... cause that is what you are implying you support
[citation][nom]Nakal[/nom]I am no big fan of Obama or his administration, but .. thumbs up to him/them for this![/citation]
Osama did not do this...we can thank the congress and the big companies in the US for this :).....i hope it never passes
Wow, a lot of negativity here. This is a way better result than I ever expected would happen. The white house is basically saying that they support targeting foreign sites that are breaking the law but none of the other draconian measures in the bill. And they've explicitly stated that they want due process when investigating.

Sure its easy to say that eventually bad legislation will get through (and its probably true), but all we can really do is fight it every step of the way and this battle has been won (for now). And while Obama certainly isn't perfect, I definitely approve of this.
[citation][nom]jacekring[/nom]Show me any country which has free public healthcare that provides better healthcare then our "not so free" healthcare in America? How about Canada with the 3-4 month wait periods for non life saving surgeries? Or Poland where hospitals are allowed to perform X number of surgeries per year and once they do, too bad for anyone else who needs an operation (except ofcourse the healthcare administration in Poland they get immediate free care at private hospitols. Cause they decide how much money to give them for operations on the public)! I've lived in Poland, I know doctors there so I know how "free" healthcare works in the real work, LIKE SHIT.[/citation]

at least here in canada you don't have to sell everything you have when you get deadly sick just to pay for health care bills

USA fails again
[citation][nom]jacekring[/nom]Show me any country which has free public healthcare that provides better healthcare then our "not so free" healthcare in America? How about Canada with the 3-4 month wait periods for non life saving surgeries? Or Poland where hospitals are allowed to perform X number of surgeries per year and once they do, too bad for anyone else who needs an operation (except ofcourse the healthcare administration in Poland they get immediate free care at private hospitols. Cause they decide how much money to give them for operations on the public)! I've lived in Poland, I know doctors there so I know how "free" healthcare works in the real work, LIKE SHIT.[/citation]

You have to wait for most procedures in the USA too even with private health insurance. Nice try though.
[citation][nom]jacekring[/nom]Show me any country which has free public healthcare that provides better healthcare then our "not so free" healthcare in America? How about Canada with the 3-4 month wait periods for non life saving surgeries? Or Poland where hospitals are allowed to perform X number of surgeries per year and once they do, too bad for anyone else who needs an operation (except ofcourse the healthcare administration in Poland they get immediate free care at private hospitols. Cause they decide how much money to give them for operations on the public)! I've lived in Poland, I know doctors there so I know how "free" healthcare works in the real work, LIKE SHIT.[/citation]

So what you're saying is that people who are going through tough economic times and can't currently afford to pay for healthcare, for whatever legitimate or illegitimate reason, should just be screwed and not get care? They already can't afford the procedure, so how do you expect them to pay out of pocket?
Obama is a socialist becase of his support for entitlements. You no longer have to work for anything in this country, you can just sit on your ass all day and do nothing and the government will take care of everything...welfare, pay your bills, food stamps so you can eat, education, health care, government sponsored cell phone plans, broadband internet... the list goes on and on. If you want to talk about "fairness" how is it fair that I bust my ass everyday to afford what I have and take pride in what I do just to give up over 20% of what I make to people who do nothing all day everyday and they live as well as I do?
why are people blaming Obama? he is merely a puppet, the president has become a puppet to those in power (people with all the $). they want to control, shape, and mold the future so that the people in power stay in power for the foreseeable future.
As others have stated, it is only a matter of time before lobbyists get the job done under a different name or under a different administration. Money talks and most people are unaware of how politics work.
Why does everyone think we don't have free health care in America? No one gets denied services for emergency care or surgeries in America, and this applies for the illegal immigrants too. When was the last time you saw the paramedics, ambulance, or hospitals checking the pockets of the injured and denying services if they don’t have insurance? We have free catastrophic health care (The most expensive part of health care!) for all that do not have collateral, but what was missing was preventive care with negotiated prices per procedure. If you have insurance the medical bill can be $1,500.00 a night due to negotiations by the insurer, or $10,000.00 a night without insurance due to the lack of negotiations by the insurer. Without insurance, you file for bankruptcy for health issues and hope you don’t lose your home in the process. America looses their tax revenue one way or the other since hospitals right-off the loses too.
[citation][nom]Koga73[/nom]Obama is a socialist becase of his support for entitlements. You no longer have to work for anything in this country, you can just sit on your ass all day and do nothing and the government will take care of everything...welfare, pay your bills, food stamps so you can eat, education, health care, government sponsored cell phone plans, broadband internet... the list goes on and on. If you want to talk about "fairness" how is it fair that I bust my ass everyday to afford what I have and take pride in what I do just to give up over 20% of what I make to people who do nothing all day everyday and they live as well as I do?[/citation]

Socialism and entitlements are two different ideas that are wrongly thrown together to strike fear into the feeble minded. Socialism is an economic system in which customers own the businesses they support. Utility and telecommunication co-ops are examples of socialist organizations they are non-profit and only exist to provide a service to their members. Entitlements are a social service that keep poor people from rioting in the streets when the economy goes south.

Nearly all politicians support some form of social entitlement ask any republican politician if it's ok to cut medicade/social security and watch them rave how they must protect these programs. And though you work Koga your food is subsidized by federal money to keep it cheap, the road you drive on to work is subsidized by the federal government, the electric and telecommunications lines you use to visit this site were subsidized by the federal government, you don't have to serve in a local militia because national defense is subsided by the federal government are you seeing the pattern?
[citation][nom]Koga73[/nom]Obama is a socialist becase of his support for entitlements. You no longer have to work for anything in this country, you can just sit on your ass all day and do nothing and the government will take care of everything...welfare, pay your bills, food stamps so you can eat, education, health care, government sponsored cell phone plans, broadband internet... the list goes on and on. If you want to talk about "fairness" how is it fair that I bust my ass everyday to afford what I have and take pride in what I do just to give up over 20% of what I make to people who do nothing all day everyday and they live as well as I do?[/citation]

Really? So someone who gets hand-me-downs can live just as good or better than someone that works? I don't think anyone who receives government/state aid can live like a working person. It's more like your perception on things. You give 20% of your life to this country weather you realize it or not. So whats the difference... oh yeah now it has to do with money.
[citation][nom]gm0n3y[/nom]...Sure its easy to say that eventually bad legislation will get through (and its probably true), but all we can really do is fight it every step of the way and this battle has been won (for now)...[/citation]

That victory was short lived. The update to the update
...Not Shelved...
"to each according to his need from each according to his ability"
socialism kills motivation for the very reason I stated above, why work when I can get the same things if I don't? Why try harder to succeed when more gets taken if I do? Why get a minimum wage job when you get more from the government without one, there is no incentive. I understand that the government needs money to operate but the primary role of government is to protect its citizens not to take care of them so they don't have to.
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