SOPA Shelved After White House Petition Response

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What is IP or copyright infringement? Here's a wordy, but plausible, example.

There are probably millions of pictures taken each year of the Empire State Building. From the street, there are only so many angles that look decent. I took a few pictures of it myself. Now, if I posted the pictures I took, with my camera, online, say on my blog, and a professional photographer saw it and thought it looked like a picture he took, all he has to do is accuse me of infringement and my site is taken down, no questions asked, no chance of defence. I have the evidence to prove it's my picture, but there's no one to present it to, no recourse that I can see in SOPA and PIPA.

I have some friends who are professional photographers, but they're simply individuals, trying to make a living from their talent. What if the above scenario hit one of them - some big company has a picture that looks the same. The small guy gets knocked offline until he can somehow prove to some unknown entity that he is the legitimate owner of the picture because he took it. But to whom does he go? How does he exert his rights?

I am in favor protecting IP and copyright (I make my living off of copyrighted things - not by suing, by marketing :^) ), but I'm also in favor of due process.
Koga is obviously a redneck fox-news drone.

He says "Why work harder if more gets taken if I do". Well anyone who passed 3rd grade mathmatics class could figure this one out, but i'll spell it out for you: Just because you get bumped up a tax bracket doesn't mean you're getting "punished" for making more money. You act like any amount of money used over a certain dollar amount = $0 earned. It's a percentage, so even if you "Earn more money from working harder and get bumped up in a tax bracket", doesn't mean you make LESS money. At the end of the day you still have more money from working harder.

Also, you act like living on wellfare and foodstamps is some sort of holy-grail of sweet rides. Give me a f'n break! It's bearly enough to feed a family and pay for a bus fare to ride around town job hunting. Also, as another personal already pointed out, there are tons of "socialized" programs that you take forgranted yourself every single day.

Furthermore, how dare you compliment our US healthcare system in any way, shape, or form. When I was growing up my mother worked 35-40 hours a week and received a No Pay Due paycheck because all of her earned money went into paying for a half-way decent healthcare plan for our family, which still required high deductables and didn't even cover things like glasses or dental.

Lastly, how dare you have the audacity to speak of "Hard work". I'm an NCO in the US army and an OIF/OEF veteran. I worked 18 to 22 hours a DAY for 15 months straight without a single day off. Raking in an amazing 45kish for the entire year+ of hell per deployment, and you want to come on here and call Obama a socialist because you feel like you get taxed too much for making 100k+ sitting in your air conditioned office while you wank off on Tom's hardware articles? Put down you bible, turn off fox news and join the rest of us here in the realm of reality. I promise, it's magical.
[citation][nom]digitalzom-b[/nom]Why? Because he thought everyone should have health care? You know, a lot of non-socialist countries do this... But, down with socialism. Not like we need public schools, roads, police and fire units, public transportation, USPS... oh.[/citation]

Where did I say anything about health? I put socialism in to have some jerk reaction. The only reason why I think this is stinky and just a front is because the vote is coming up so Obama would do anything to look appealing. Hes a charming son of butch.
[citation][nom]Nakal[/nom]I am no big fan of Obama or his administration, but .. thumbs up to him/them for this![/citation]
I wouldn't give him or his administration the thumbs up just yet. Obama has been known to say many things, then turn around and do the exact opposite of what he says. In fact, I think that's all he does.
[citation][nom]Koga73[/nom]"to each according to his need from each according to his ability"socialism kills motivation for the very reason I stated above, why work when I can get the same things if I don't? Why try harder to succeed when more gets taken if I do? Why get a minimum wage job when you get more from the government without one, there is no incentive. I understand that the government needs money to operate but the primary role of government is to protect its citizens not to take care of them so they don't have to.[/citation]

Motivation starts when you have something positive to go after. Like someone stated above, welfare and food stamps isn't what you perceive as "getting more" or "as good as working". The government is protecting there citizens by providing some sort of aid for them when things go really south. I know a few people that are receiving aid and its very difficult to live. Which in turn gives motivation to continue to move forward in life and progress. Through that they can later contribute back to society.

Some people are dishonest and find loop holes in the system to exploit. Those are the ones you should be focusing on and not your general idea of socialism and our president that you keep putting out there.
Here's an intereting phenomenon: I bet most of the people here opposed to government regulation of the internet want government regulation in everything else.

Come on, let's hear it. Who doesn't want government to regulate the internet? Who doesn't want the government to regulate health care?

Anything is better then the trash we have now. Honestly, there is something wrong with the entire concept of "Health for profit". Why do you think it's ok for some corperation to dictate your access to care, or arbitrarly decide what your health is worth?

It's a kin to being attacked on the street, and a cop rushes over to help you, but stopping to ask if you have "Police insurance".... you tell him that you don't have "police insurance", so the cop turns around and walks away while the criminal continues to mug you and make off with you wallet.

Healthcare should be a government-backed program. Just like law enforcement, fire department, roads, etc. Public health and safety are the key tenants of government charge. Would you prefer it if the US military was liquidated and we transfered over to a 100% private contractor military? Do you want Black-Water Corp charged with protecting the country?

You people who rant and rave about government controlled healthcare are living in a bubble and obviously not the real world; where common hard working americans go to the emergency room and get a co pay of $6,000 to sew back on a severed finger. How about the people in the Sicko documentary who received better healthcare, for free, in CUBA then the did in the US?

Something wrong with priorities of a country when you can afford 4 trillion dollars to fight a holywar against handful of extremists in afghanistan but can't find the money to keep your citizens healthy.
LoL I don't watch fox news nor am I a bible thumper nor do I make over 100k. I'm I hard working American who is pissed at what this country is becoming. Obviously I know that taxes are taken out as percentages that's what I said I get over 20% taken from me. My point is why should I pay more when nearly half of all americans pay no income tax. I contribute more than my fair share, intact the top 10 percent of tax earners pay 70% of income taxes. Instead of taxing those who are paying income taxes more the tax base needs to be widened to bring in more tax payers.

As for entitlements my point isn't that welfare and food stamps are great, but rather that they discourage individuals from wanting to work for something. instead the government gets them hooked on entitlements with no motivation to change as a minimum wage job would only bring them less. I'm not against supporting people who need help, there is just no incentive for those individuals to get off the government and help themselves.

As for healthcare, it's not a right it's a privlage plain and simple. For those who can't afford procedures the local community should rally around them to give them the support they need, their friends, neighbors, and churches not the government. Forcing people to buy healthcare is unconstitutional... you don't have to buy car insurance, only if you want to drive on public roads as you should have to because of damages you may cause to others. If you own a farm truck, a vehicle that never leaves private property you don't have to buy car insurance. Forcing people to buy health insurance because they are going to get sick is like forcing people to buy umbrellas because it's gonna rain.

Lastly we are broke beyond belief and the debt continues to rise. We are spending more that we make as a country and entitlements account for the majority of that and have only gone up under Obama. At some point we as a nation will need to tackle entitlements or end up like Greece.
Figures it would take actions to the point of website blackouts to get a response from the Whitehouse. Hmmmm, if this bill passes, i wonder how long it will take before Youtube is shut down...I'm willing to bet it takes under 2 seconds from signing into law.

BTW, I love the Schoolhouse Rock Bill pic. Now I'm gonna have that song in my head all day. "I'm just a Bill, yes I'm only a bill...." You youngsters should youtube It may be illegal soon.
[citation][nom]Koga73[/nom]LoL I don't watch fox news nor am I a bible thumper nor do I make over 100k. I'm I hard working American who is pissed at what this country is becoming. Obviously I know that taxes are taken out as percentages that's what I said I get over 20% taken from me. My point is why should I pay more when nearly half of all americans pay no income tax. I contribute more than my fair share, intact the top 10 percent of tax earners pay 70% of income taxes. Instead of taxing those who are paying income taxes more the tax base needs to be widened to bring in more tax payers.As for entitlements my point isn't that welfare and food stamps are great, but rather that they discourage individuals from wanting to work for something. instead the government gets them hooked on entitlements with no motivation to change as a minimum wage job would only bring them less. I'm not against supporting people who need help, there is just no incentive for those individuals to get off the government and help themselves.As for healthcare, it's not a right it's a privlage plain and simple. For those who can't afford procedures the local community should rally around them to give them the support they need, their friends, neighbors, and churches not the government. Forcing people to buy healthcare is unconstitutional... you don't have to buy car insurance, only if you want to drive on public roads as you should have to because of damages you may cause to others. If you own a farm truck, a vehicle that never leaves private property you don't have to buy car insurance. Forcing people to buy health insurance because they are going to get sick is like forcing people to buy umbrellas because it's gonna rain.Lastly we are broke beyond belief and the debt continues to rise. We are spending more that we make as a country and entitlements account for the majority of that and have only gone up under Obama. At some point we as a nation will need to tackle entitlements or end up like Greece.[/citation]

Too bad it's not a basic right, instead of a privilege, to receive a decent education (so you can learn to spell). You sir are a moron. The reason the top earners pay the most taxes is because they earn most of the money. The 20% with the highest wages make 85% of the money! At 20%, you're barely paying your fair share. Try doing some real research instead of typing the crap your brain is making up.
Lets try to stick on subject, any form whether its called SOPA/PIPA now or something else later to try and be sneaked in under the radar or whatever needs to not pass period no matter what its called. As for Healthcare, other countries who have free healthcare is 110% better then ours, and at least for the matter of fact i saw a video in my sociology class which shows how free it is.. And if you read up on the news what was it, about 40% of Americans fly out of country to get any medical work done, because its wayyyy cheaper and or free =D The price cost is almost 1/8th what we pay.. Ridiculous and the medical people doing the work are almost better then the ones you pay full price here in america... ehh Go do some Real research... Back to BF3. My 5 cents.
The reason the top earners pay the most taxes is because they earn most of the money.
Exactly we are earning the money and other half of the country isn't doing shit. Again we need to widen the tax base to bring in more tax payers instead of taxing those who already pay the majority of taxes more.

As for health care if you want to leave the country to go get health care somewhere else go ahead, thats your choice. I'm not saying our system is perfect and there is much room for improvement, but this should take place through the private sector not the government.
[citation][nom]millerm84[/nom]Socialism and entitlements are two different ideas that are wrongly thrown together to strike fear into the feeble minded. Socialism is an economic system in which customers own the businesses they support. Utility and telecommunication co-ops are examples of socialist organizations they are non-profit and only exist to provide a service to their members. Entitlements are a social service that keep poor people from rioting in the streets when the economy goes south. Nearly all politicians support some form of social entitlement ask any republican politician if it's ok to cut medicade/social security and watch them rave how they must protect these programs. And though you work Koga your food is subsidized by federal money to keep it cheap, the road you drive on to work is subsidized by the federal government, the electric and telecommunications lines you use to visit this site were subsidized by the federal government, you don't have to serve in a local militia because national defense is subsided by the federal government are you seeing the pattern?[/citation]

The problem I have with federal subsidies and entitlements, is the fact that the money comes out of MY pocket. And the pockets of many other hard working individuals. The federal government doesn't provide money for these services. We the people do! And in some cases I don't agree with how they "spend" my money.

Take for instance, roads, as you say. They aren't subsidized by the federal government. They are paid for in taxes, by the very citizens who purchase fuel for their vehicle. Everything is paid for by you and me.

When you get a heart attack or some urgent health problem, you will be mighty glad the doctors will fix you up, and not just say, "We'll just let you die because people are supposed to".

Public healthcare exists in many countries, and guess what? It works great, people are not bankrupted by a medical condition, and the doctors and nurses still make VERY decent money. I would much rather have the "GOVERNMENT" look after me, and be obliged to do so, than some corporation more interested in the my cash than my health.

I think you, and many other people, have their views distorted by living decently and not realising the hell some people go through. Your life is a right, so is the health care needed to keep you alive and well.

For the record: I live in a country with universal health care.
You may want to rely on the government for your health care but I don't want to rely on the government for anything. The so called big bad corporation is actually your employer and I'm very happy to have an employer that offers a good health plan. Corporations SHOULD care about cash... they are a business and the sole purpose of the business is to make money. Most good corporations also care about their employees which is why they offer benefits in the first place.

Again health care isn't a right... while some people may want it to be or think it is, it isn't... If you think it is then look through the Bill of Rights and find where it says you have a right to health care.
Healthcare in America is expensive because of the government putting their hands in everything from FDA regulations to insurance regulations and numerous other regulations that force healthcare providers to increase their costs. What most people don't realize is that deregulation would actually promote competition and decrease the cost of healthcare.

@airborne11b - you sound just like a military guy, saying bullshit like "how dare you question this or that" you are coming off as arrogant and a know it all. Go back to your fighting for our freedom so we can continue to question those that are given power while you unquestionably follows their orders.

Just because other countries do it doesn't mean we should, our constitution is there for a reason, if you want to live in socialist society under control of power hungry corporations that are given unlimited powers continue to not question things that should be questioned and voting for those that are easily swayed by greed and power.
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