Spacebar on laptop types random letters

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Mar 28, 2018
Sometimes when I hit spacebar on my laptop it types this ]';oi5d

this is a big problem, cause for some reason, when Jumping in any game, itll switch the game in windowed mode, making my screen go black, and allowing other players to kill me, games such as Fortnite, PUBG, CSGO, Etc... is there anyway to disable or fix this?

Usually this is caused by one of two reasons. Either something has been spilt on the keyboard causing some overlap in the keys. This is most often the case.
Sometimes the keyboard connector can become loose.

I suggest getting the disassembly manual for your laptop and removing the keyboard (remember to take out the battery first, and noting down where the screws go, as some models are very annoying...

Usually this is caused by one of two reasons. Either something has been spilt on the keyboard causing some overlap in the keys. This is most often the case.
Sometimes the keyboard connector can become loose.

I suggest getting the disassembly manual for your laptop and removing the keyboard (remember to take out the battery first, and noting down where the screws go, as some models are very annoying in this regard.) Make sure it's not full of dirt or grime, give it a clean in between the keys, and then make sure to firmly secure the connector, and give it a try again.
Maybe someone is pranking you, there is an old notepad trick to enter random letters or even words with 1 key or with any key press. You need to shut down the process (.bat or vbs file (dont remember)) from task manager and delete the file. A temporary solution would be to remap the jump key in some games. Try reinstalling the keyboard driver. Try connecting an external keyboard and disable the integrated keyboard and see if that happens, if it does then it is likely software problem or someone pranking or virus.
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