Spam is spam, what is it that makes Spam, spam?
This for what is said of spam, spam, why have anything that would say spam isnt spam just not be spam?
Well, rather im trying to say Spam isnt, there sure seems to be alot of it, yes? Enough to send somone to jail and put in a fine at least. But rather those ideas alone is hard said, but of it the most could be said that was done.
Ideas of spamming is bad sometimes, cause of many things, but what makes spamming the worse though is rather or not of it is it spam. In a world of copy paste, things are simple, why say more then needed if something is already said?
More effort for less should help get more, yes? Most things arent different and if so, of it what can be said other then that?
Well, go Buy Nike like the comment says. Rather spam or not still, probably though. What else is there to Nike?? Obviously i something more of Nike then just that, so a loosely placed idea to say.But its there and of some spam maybe at least if spam, there more to it...
So, spam is spam still, yes? How, when and why, against anything else that is different, is well, probably up for question. If anything its just spam, but for an actually post of results for the idea of article is anyones guess. Given it is only as bais as it is understood.
So, does the say interest post then only require a certain bais of post for it not to be spam?
This i think at times gets used more then not of course on the idea, cause it is there.
How at times does some spam so much to the ideas of millions, without question within maybe a few thousand or so already? Maybe numbers to some arguements, mean nothing, just the fact of spam?
Anyone would probably see spam for spam at times, but times change and so does spam, yes? I don't know, Of things to think of on the idea, anythign else is anyones else guess.
But of it, though 40yrs and a fine. Makes me wonder sometimes. Might be using (you) so much instead of me. My bad.