Starz Dumps Netflix for Blockbuster Streaming Subs

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Jul 7, 2004
I think being "king of the hill" got to Netflix's head. They raised prices thinking nothing terribly bad would happen.. Starz has about 1,000 titles on Netflix...ouch.


May 16, 2011
Not only that but overall if you are looking for less popular, more obscure, but very high quality films BB has them while Netflicks doesn't.


Jan 1, 2011
Awesome. Now Block buster just needs to set the right price. I canceled my Netflix and wouldn't mind going over to blockbuster's mail-rental/streaming service if...

A. The price is right
B. They had enough content
C. They don't secretly throttle streaming content. Especially on high speed connections. So frustrating when netflix would constantly get stuck buffering and I'd have to reload the page just to get it going again.


I have been wanting an alternative to Netflix since they decided to hire a bunch of retards to redesign their site. It's so terrible to try and find something to watch I actually use a 3rd party site to do it, Oh and then of course Netflix decided I needed to pay 50% more to keep getting Blu Rays.

So If Blockbuster can give me a similar amount of streaming content + Blu Rays by mail for under $16 a month, with a site that makes it easy to find things to watch (LIKE BEING ABLE TO F%$*ing SORT WHAT SHOWS UP, FILTER OUT CRAP!!!!) I'll switch in an instant.


I would switch instantly if Blockbuster streaming uses a more universal platform than silverlight that way it could stream on linux machines.


Nov 9, 2010
so I'm guessing that this means that Netflix is gonna lose those streaming titles? bummer dude. I like streaming.


I hate Starz Play on netflix... the video's look awful, they're very overly compressed and never in HD. Good riddance to them then.


Dec 11, 2005
"Insiders claim that both sides disagreed over the value of Starz content"
wtf is wrong with netflix???? Starz has SPARTACUS!!!!11 IT IS PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Mar 14, 2009
Netflix was a great thing a few years ago. It started getting bad when they went to Silverlight, which I didn't care for, but it was tolerable. Then they raised their prices...again I didn't like it, but there was not a viable alternative. Now they raise their prices again, and by a whopping 60%. I canceled my DVD and Blue Ray subscription the day I found out about it, and the streaming service will be gone when I find a replacement.

I'm not sure who is running the company over there, but almost seams like they are trying to milk the customers for every cent then sell the company without subscribers to the highest bidder.


Jul 15, 2010
starz sucked anyway, netflix has a great slew of stuff for $8 online, so they'll find another streaming content provider to work with. blockbuster was the worst for vhs|dvd rentals price wise, why jump on their bandwagon for a few redbox titles a month?


May 14, 2010
Starz usually has pretty lousy titles, but considering Netflix was promising to increase content losing anything is a major blow. This really has nothing to do with the price hike though, but more likely the fact Dish, disguising themselves as Blockbuster on the front, has a lot better studio connections and a lot more money to throw around. Netflix got their old contracts on what was a new idea at the time, but now the big boys have realized there's a real business here, and Netflix can't keep up anymore. This isn't going to be the last content provider someone takes away.

Blockbuster seems to have a strong approach, with distro kiosks, brick and mortar stores, and now both VoD and streaming type services, as well as Dish's satellite channels. They could possibly fulfill the needs of every consumer. They do however still need to get an app in as many devices as Netflix has.

I don't like some of Netflix's decisions like the use of Silverlight or the price hike, but I like the idea of Blockbuster regaining their influence even less. They weren't anyone's friend back in the rental business either, and this is really Dish behind the scenes, so it seems to me like the usual providers are taking control back. Netflix is still the little guy compared to the big cablecos, and I'd really rather see them win. The major cable providers are in with the major ISPs, and would have no problem slowing the progress of this whole inconvenient streaming deal so they can keep selling you expensive cable packages and the ISPs wouldn't have to upgrade to fit the needs of HD content consumers. I see this as the people who were overcharging us to begin with before Netflix came along trying to regain control so they can overcharge us again.


May 24, 2009
[citation][nom]7amood[/nom]"Insiders claim that both sides disagreed over the value of Starz content"wtf is wrong with netflix???? Starz has SPARTACUS!!!!11 IT IS PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!1[/citation]

Spartacus blows. All it is, is violence and nudity.


Netflix didn't even send me a letter or email telling me they were hiking my price. Isn't there some kind of law against that? I will probably cancel too as a 60% hike is unimaginable in this economy. We were struggling just to keep it as an alternative to pay tv - I guess it is back to the old antenna now! Netflix really messed up this time - when they raised their price earlier this year, I said OK $1 a month, still not bad - now a 60% hike - they are out of their minds! I am boycotting Netflix as everyone else should do.


Aug 30, 2010
Sorry, but the price isn't being raised for as many as they claim. The price is only being raise for the 1 DVD at a time service. If you have the 2 or more, your price isn't going up.


Mar 31, 2010
I already canceled my Netflix subscription because they were losing a lot of shows I watch (only 2 random seasons of Mythbusters, for example). Silverlight doesn't bother me, the pricing didn't effect me really, as I was stream-only. After reading this, I'm pretty sure the price hikes and all this content loss is not Netflix's fault. It seems that the studios/networks are suddenly realizing how many viewers Netflix is getting relative to television, and are all wanting more money out of their Netflix contracts.

I'm guessing the loss of content and increases in price has to do with a lot of disagreements "over the value of [Network's] content."


Jan 3, 2011
People really need to get over this price hike- 3-4 Blockbuster videos a decade ago would cost you like $15 anyway (hope you don't have a late fee :)). Netflix stills offers a value that is hard to beat. If anyone is knocking you off it's cable. Cable is the biggest waste of money when you can get all of your important channels (NBC, ABC, CBS) for free over the air. Why people dump $50 a month into crappy cable (or satellite) that never has anything decent on is beyond me. And seriously- people here are considering a service that will be run by Dish Network- morons. Dish Network is notorious for poor service and a poor quality product. I don't care if we're in a poor economy- if you don't have a job and you have Netflix then you need to get off your but and find a job. Netflix offers entertainment - something that people shouldn't be consuming if they can't feed their family. Get a job at Wal-Mart and turn off the Office. I will say though that Netflix's complete inability to actively tell their customers that their price will increase is a very poor business practice very unlike the customer service they used to (or still) have.


Aug 5, 2009
[citation][nom]dantech34[/nom]Netflix didn't even send me a letter or email telling me they were hiking my price. Isn't there some kind of law against that? I will probably cancel too as a 60% hike is unimaginable in this economy. We were struggling just to keep it as an alternative to pay tv - I guess it is back to the old antenna now! Netflix really messed up this time - when they raised their price earlier this year, I said OK $1 a month, still not bad - now a 60% hike - they are out of their minds! I am boycotting Netflix as everyone else should do.[/citation]

yea, they are taking away the bundle bonus. its not that big a deal, especialy when you consider that every 4 shows you watch would cost you 2$ from a red box if they carried it, or 8$ for blockbuster/similar

and considering i go through about 8 movies on disc and about another 10 on streaming a month, anything under 200$ is cheaper than most alternatives.

if you want to boycott anything, boycott big business studios. netflix is being bent over and they just put the rubber glove on, and from what i read, they aren't using any lube.

[citation][nom]Azimuth01[/nom]Netflix was a great thing a few years ago. It started getting bad when they went to Silverlight, which I didn't care for, but it was tolerable. Then they raised their prices...again I didn't like it, but there was not a viable alternative. Now they raise their prices again, and by a whopping 60%. I canceled my DVD and Blue Ray subscription the day I found out about it, and the streaming service will be gone when I find a replacement.I'm not sure who is running the company over there, but almost seams like they are trying to milk the customers for every cent then sell the company without subscribers to the highest bidder.[/citation]

major studios are forcing netflix to pay... well... insane prices for streaming content now.


The Netflix fanboys have hit this page in force. Trying to argue that the price hike's not a big deal and to get over it; or that Netflix was getting screwed. Stop identifying yourselves with a corporation or product already. They hiked prices, and they screwed up their site design, and now they lost most of their content that is actually recent and good. As such anyone whose not entangled their feeling of self worth with Netflix sees the need, nay the desire, for a real competitor.
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