Steve Jobs Was on a Mission to Destroy Android

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Nov 7, 2008
Jobs himself admitted that what allowed Apple to move ahead was stealing ideas. His words were,
“We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas.

You can find more detail here:

So how did he end up with such self-righteous indignation about Android? (Spoiler Alert) He was human. I know that's a surprise to many people, but it is a fact. He wasn't anymore perfect or infallible than any of us (my apologies to those of you who are perfect - you are the exception, not the rule).

How do I know this? The above quote, coupled with his ire prove the point.

I appreciate the good Mr. Jobs did in his life. It outweighs his failure in this regard, but doesn't excue it. I certainly hope Apple can move past his tunnel vision of trying to destroy another company or operating system that followed his lead - steal from the best.


Jan 28, 2011
[citation][nom]hoof_hearted[/nom]Ding Dong the dick is dead.[/citation]

HAHHAAHAHAHA... I shouldn't laugh at someone's death, but HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA



Nov 6, 2009
[citation][nom]tmshdw[/nom]The only reason Andtards like you have an iPhone like phone is because iOS and iPhone were released first and Android copied it. Android prototypes before iPhone look the blackberry. Sure Android added some features. Android first copied blackberry and then copied iphone. So get a clue please for your own sake, thxs.[/citation]
...Apple is hardly innocent. Whose mobile OS just got the app drawer? Oops, sorry "notification area"...


May 16, 2011
GOD had the last laugh!

I wonder if it is as hot down there as they say it is, well Steve?

His punishment in hell is having only Windows PCs and Android phones.


Mar 9, 2010
For as much stealing as Steve Jobs and Apple performed they sure do get snooty about when other folks use their ideas.

De we have to report yet again Steve in his own words talking about how if he likes an idea he takes it?


Sep 2, 2010
Here I was just when I was about to feel sorry for Jobs the person, and then hear what he says about Bill Gates the guy who helped him out with $150 Million to save Apple from going bankrupt.

Jobs says that Bill Gates is basically unimaginative and has never invented anything. He just shamelessly ripped off others people ideas.
Then goes on to say that's why Bill gates stepped down to concentrate on his philanthropy. For a company that never invented anything, Bill Gates personal fortune of 53 Billion is greater then Apple Corp 40 Billion. Now I have no respect for Jobs the man.

Very Low blow Jobs, what a disgrace this person is.


Sep 13, 2011
Steve Jobs was a crazy man. I am an Android 2.3 and 3.2 user. I have used an iPhone 4 many times. I can say that I think they both are good operating systems, but Android has come out ahead in my opinion.
And to say that Android was a stolen idea is just Idiotic. Android is nothing like iOS and it never was. Steve Jobs just has more money than common sense. Right before he died he invented the iCasket. It has 3G but you cant get change the color for another 3 years. Until they release the iCasket 2.


Jun 1, 2011
To those who are revelling in a man's death, especially those with limited minds that feel compelled to resort to profanity (profanity = a weak mind trying to act forcefully), I feel sorry for you.
Mr. Jobs was a business man. Unlike Bill Gates, he was also an innovator. In the end the market will decide who the winner is.
For example, Linux is a great system and is open source but is only on approximately 2% of desktops and laptops. By the way I took that info from Wikipedia, does that mean I plagiarized? No. I gave credit to the source. In business, companies use other company's ideas and pay royalties for the use of their patents or buy the company and/or patent (e.g. Siri.) This is why Mr. Jobs was so upset about Android and its owner, Google.
Mr. Jobs was no saint but he did know his business well and recognized when businesses didn't play by the rules. If you are going to use another's intellectual property or patent.... pay for it. In the end Android = Linux. Linux is just recycled Unix (as is the Mac OS and Android.) IMO, Android is a mediocre OS that is installed on a lot of cheap smart phones for those who; either didn't want to deal with AT&T or couldn't afford the better product, the iOS devices (both understandable, the Honda Accord is a quality car but it is no Rolls Royce.)
RIP. To all the haters. Hate is such an ugly creature. It is easy to hide behind your computer and talk tough. Step out into the real world. You'll find it is not that frightening.


Wow, Apple really are evil, delusional supervillains.

[citation][nom]ojas[/nom]This was reported by BBC a few days ago...![/citation]
Thants nice, i dont visit BBC website.


Jul 20, 2008
[citation][nom]Enkidu98[/nom]For as much stealing as Steve Jobs and Apple performed they sure do get snooty about when other folks use their ideas. De we have to report yet again Steve in his own words talking about how if he likes an idea he takes it?[/citation]
Stealing is only ok if Apple does it, if any other company copies Apple it is unacceptable and they should be destroyed.


Sep 3, 2009
[citation][nom]tmshdw[/nom]The only reason Andtards like you have an iPhone like phone is because iOS and iPhone were released first and Android copied it. Android prototypes before iPhone look the blackberry. Sure Android added some features. Android first copied blackberry and then copied iphone. So get a clue please for your own sake, thxs.[/citation]

I really dislike CrApple fanboys who don't know what they're talking about. IF you did your homework, you would know that Android OS was around before CrApple's iOS.

"Android, Inc. was founded in Palo Alto, California, United States in October, 2003 by Andy Rubin"
"Google acquired Android Inc. in August 2005, making Android Inc. a wholly owned subsidiary of Google Inc."

That was long before CrApple iOS was around, which was only released on June 29, 2007. Yes CrApple released their iOS on a device "first", but Android OS was around before iOS was a whimper of a thought in Jobs' brain. The first iPhone used a stripped down version of Mac OS X, not a truly independent mobile platform like Android. All this information is readily available on the internet, try using your brain to find the facts before you spout off some nonsense.


Aug 1, 2011
[citation][nom]otacon72[/nom]How can you compare an operating system to a device? I wonder how all these articles are able to get away with it. I don't own any Apple product and hopeful never will but saying so many Android devices have been activated compared to iPhones is ridiculous. Android is on what 2+ dozen devices at this point and the iPhone is pretty much 3. Jobs was an arrogant SOB but name me one person who founded a multi-billion dollar company who isn't? Without Jobs there would be no Android. That's why Jobs and Gates were friends later in life..they were both arrogant SOBs.[/citation]
Android is an OS or Operating System, same thing with iOS. In this article it's comparation of two OS'.
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