Stollen laptop


Jul 10, 2012
Hello, I got my backpack and acer aspire 5532 laptop stollen about a week ago and I must have it back, Im archiving through my gmail for the IP adress which shows simular matches though I dont know how to get or find the serial number, what should I do???? PLEASE HELP!!!!
Dont want to appear harsh... but you are stuffed...

In theory.. .if you know the mac address you may be able to track it down... but you dont know that... or the serial number... or anything by the sound of it... so you are really not going to get much interest from Police on tracking down.

If its the data on the laptop that is so precious - if the thief has ANY sense... its gone already. The machine would have been wiped clean to remove all possiblity it can be identified as stolen (without foresic type of capabilities).

but of course... if its the data that is so precious... of course you have a backup and can just get it back from that
What? you DONT have a backup? Then you are an idiot.
If its so precious... you should ALWAYS have a backup... you should always assume your hard drive will die tomorrow...

So were back to..... "your Stuffed" 🙁

Even if you get the SN or MAC, your still SOL. There is no way to track the system even if you have those. Lojack software is easy to wipe out. Sorry to say but Yoji is right, If you don't have a backup of important data you are an idiot.