storage device films


Aug 25, 2017
whats the best kind of storage device for backing up and playing my films and TV mp.4 files. i was suing a 2TB segate external hard drive but it failed i think i need some thing more robust or some thing meant for film files. Can anyone help or have any teach suggestions.
All drives fail eventually. You need multiple copies of any important data. USB drives are mistreated more than most (vibration, bumps, temp, etc).
A network storage device (NAS) that can be plugged into your network and support all devices is the best, but most expensive solution.
All drives fail eventually. You need multiple copies of any important data. USB drives are mistreated more than most (vibration, bumps, temp, etc).
A network storage device (NAS) that can be plugged into your network and support all devices is the best, but most expensive solution.