storage space in iphone 5s

Sep 3, 2018
i have iphoe 5s with 12 GB/, 10.3.3 version of IOS/
when i enter the storage space in the settings it tells me i have only about 200 MB free but when i look at the place all the apps takes - the sum is even not 3 GB/

i deleted almost all the music, deleted my mail account and even the mail app and nothing helps.
how do i delete the 400 mb the mail takes? (i do not need the mail app)
do you have any idea?
(off course i deleted all my photos and the heavy apps)

i restarted the iphone and it did not help...
what can i do? if i download more recent IOS version - will it take more space?
(now i have 10.3.3)

Since you are removing all the programs anyway and deleted your files, you can try a factory reset and see if that clears up your space. You will need to go though setup on the phone again, and of course make sure you have all the files you need saved to another place.
