Streaming NAS on Roku


Dec 31, 2017
I have files on a NAS type device, (Actually just a hard drive for file storage) Ican't get MKV files to stream with Roku Media Player on my Roku. It gives me errors. But My ROKU TV in my bedroom plays them fine. Any ideas? This is being sent VIA Wi-Fi to the ROKU. They are MVK files on the same wifi network.
Even a cable across the floor will tell you if it is a WIFI issue. AV2 standard powerline network adapters will be much better at streaming than WIFI.
Can't do that anytime soon. I tried to pull Cat 6 through my attic, but had issues getting it down the walls. It is clear at the other end of the house. But It won't probably be for a couple moths that I can try again because of the weather and other projects.


There is a yt video that shows how to wireless stream any file type to any Roku using VLC called "how to stream dvd on roku" using Windows 7 no miracast.