Surface Book 2 Storage configuration


May 9, 2015
Currently I will not buy a Surface book due to one major flaw, Non-upgradable storage space. Yes, it has a SD slot, but it sticks out and sd are WAY slower than SSDs. My question, would Microsoft be able to either 1.) add more storage at cheaper options
2.) add storage into the keyboard base that connects into the tablet? Would this be possible?
3.) Allow easier ways to upgrade the storage. According to Ifixit, its basically impossible. Any ideas if manufacturers will add 2TB storage options soon? Is a m.2 SSd in the keyboard base realistic? why would it work/Not work.
Also, could anyone post links to someone, somewhere explaining how the connection between the keyboard and tablet work? I really am trying hard to find an article on it but am drawing blanks.
I suggest that you buy a t5, I bought the Surface book 2 1tb 13.5in last week plugging in the samsung t5 would be faster than an sd card.
I bought a 500gb t5 on ebay for $155 (I saw another listing for the same price yesterday)
I've read that the speed for the ssd inside the sb2 is 1.2 gb/s whereas the t5 would be less than half the speed at 540mb/s which is still good.

I haven't tested the t5 yet I'll test it out with gaming tommorow. I plan on using the t5 to run games off of and as a "scratch disc" for video editing.

Btw since the sb2 has 1 usbc port on the right side I would use that.