Hi. I managed to fix this problem today on my laptop. I happened to see your post while searching for a solution. What i did is i downloaded catalyst from hp drivers section(catalyst from ati website was giving me that problem). the driver that came with that catalyst didnt work, so i used windows update to get a working driver. so, in theory, what you would need to do is download catalyst from hp website, and while installing you select custom, and click next until it gives you a list of programs you wish to install. you should deselect all except catalyst. (do NOT install the gpu driver, ONLY catalyst)
i will post a link for the driver for my laptop model, but since you will only need catalyst, it shouldnt be a problem.
for windows 32bits -> http

for windows 64bits -> http

you could also search for your model, but i would recommend not installing the driver anyway. just get it from windows update, i supposed you already have the driver anyway. Good luck.