S sOuLnEsS Honorable Mar 26, 2012 1 0 10,510 Mar 26, 2012 #1 how to remove the write protected in pendrive...?
ksiemb Distinguished Nov 15, 2009 154 0 18,660 Mar 27, 2012 #2 sOuLnEsS : how to remove the write protected in pendrive...? If it has protect setting on the device, change it. Or format the drive. Or Tweak the registry dword to disable write protect. http/www.technoweblog.com/featured/regstry-tweak-collection Upvote 0 Downvote
sOuLnEsS : how to remove the write protected in pendrive...? If it has protect setting on the device, change it. Or format the drive. Or Tweak the registry dword to disable write protect. http/www.technoweblog.com/featured/regstry-tweak-collection