Thoughts on Sony VAIO keyboard not working after Windows 10 update?

Hi all,

I upgraded a friends laptop to Windows 10 earlier this year, and he came to me last weekend with an issue - the keyboard no longer functions at all, and the touchpad is sluggish too.

Anyway, I used a USB wireless keyboard and mouse to navigate though, and established Windows had installed a bunch of updates overnight (between it working & not).

Tried to use system restore to the week prior, but it failed. I then clean installed the OS - keyboard/touchpad worked as expected for a few minutes, and then stopped again.

Sony doesn't officially support Windows 10 on the laptop, which I knew when it was upgraded - but Windows was auto-detecting the appropriate drivers and working correctly.

Ultimately, I ended up taking the whole thing apart - disconnecting the keyboard & touchbase to rule out a loose connection, generally cleaning it out while I was in there, then re-connected and reassembled....

Miraculously, at that point - it worked just fine. Exclamations remained in Device Manager, so there still wasn't an appropriate driver, but it worked! Windows couldn;'t determine a more appropriate driver, and I couldn't find one myself online.

Buddy took it home and it was still functioning correctly despite the car ride (so if it was loose, I would've expected it to come loose at that point). All working well. A few days later, I heard from him again - it hadn't physically moved from his coffee table, but the keyboard was gone again - with the touchpad sluggish.

Does anyone have any suggestions/thoughts?
If it were one or the other, I could replace the keyboard or touchpad, but for them both to fail/chance in performance at exactly the same time, leads me to believe a Windows update/driver update is not 'playing nice' with the laptop - but I'm out of ideas.
Seems like a conductor issue with the keyboard, or an issue with recognition of the keyboard/trackpad as interface devices.
If he can, ask him to boot into the BIOS and check that A. he is booting through UEFI, B. that the keyboard and mouse do not have any sleep settings enabled and are fully enabled in terms of options.
And C. that he does a virus scan with Malwarebytes or Super Anti Spyware, as sometimes malware can disable keyboards etc.

A CMOS clear or install from a fresh HDD should rule out any other factors, if the issue persists it's a hardware side thing.
Seems like a conductor issue with the keyboard, or an issue with recognition of the keyboard/trackpad as interface devices.
If he can, ask him to boot into the BIOS and check that A. he is booting through UEFI, B. that the keyboard and mouse do not have any sleep settings enabled and are fully enabled in terms of options.
And C. that he does a virus scan with Malwarebytes or Super Anti Spyware, as sometimes malware can disable keyboards etc.

A CMOS clear or install from a fresh HDD should rule out any other factors, if the issue persists it's a hardware side thing.
It's a basic BIOS, I set it all up for him & he wouldn't know how to even enter it....

So that rules out sleep states etc (none present) and user error changing settings (as he wouldn't know how if he wanted to)

I'll try replacing the HDD (it's already on running a clean install). I've got a couple of known, working SSDs and HDDs laying around
Couldn't see anything at all on the board going from memory - and I really have no desire to take it apart again.
I can access the BIOS using the wireless keyboard, so I can load default settings that way.

Won't get a chance to look at it until the weekend, but I'll let you know chugalug - thanks!