Archived from groups: (More info?)
I've been combing the web and the newsgroups to fix this problem but
have found nothing.
I did find an informative Toolshell post by George Kerby from last year
on this newsgroup, so I thought I'd come appeal to him and whoever else
may be able to help.
I have a RTV 5040. I use DVArchive to download and stream movies to OSX
(10.3.5). I can watch these shows on the Mac using QT (with mpeg2
plugin) and with VLC. I'm running Java 1.4.2.
I downloaded ReplayTV tools (rev4) but know nothing of
programming/command line computing, so I downloaded Toolshell as well.
I set up Toolshell to find my downloaded shows and to find the tool's
osx bins.
When I start up Toolshell, it shows my downloaded shows. I click on one
show and "Dump Selected File" (or alternately have tried "Dump Other
File" and manually chosen the .evt). The "Please Name This Edit Dump"
window pops up and I do so. Toolshell switches to the Edit tab. I pick
my named dump from the "Edit Dumps" window on the left (the right "edit
specifications" window is empty) and click "Process Files." A "File
Creation Complete!" window instantly pops up, but the "Results" window
is empty. I click "close" and am back at the "edit" tab window which
has no changes from before and still has an empty "edit specification"
Nowhere is a new file made (that I can find), even if I "save to a
custom path."
Knowing nothing, it seems to me as if the Toolshell is going through the
motions without ever running the bins from ReplayTV Tools.
I've uninstalled, reinstalled, tried different shows, cursed, rinsed and
repeated. No change.
I read through's step-by-step (many many times) but still
the same.
I'm accustomed to the Mac "everything just works" experience. This
ain't it.
I've been combing the web and the newsgroups to fix this problem but
have found nothing.
I did find an informative Toolshell post by George Kerby from last year
on this newsgroup, so I thought I'd come appeal to him and whoever else
may be able to help.
I have a RTV 5040. I use DVArchive to download and stream movies to OSX
(10.3.5). I can watch these shows on the Mac using QT (with mpeg2
plugin) and with VLC. I'm running Java 1.4.2.
I downloaded ReplayTV tools (rev4) but know nothing of
programming/command line computing, so I downloaded Toolshell as well.
I set up Toolshell to find my downloaded shows and to find the tool's
osx bins.
When I start up Toolshell, it shows my downloaded shows. I click on one
show and "Dump Selected File" (or alternately have tried "Dump Other
File" and manually chosen the .evt). The "Please Name This Edit Dump"
window pops up and I do so. Toolshell switches to the Edit tab. I pick
my named dump from the "Edit Dumps" window on the left (the right "edit
specifications" window is empty) and click "Process Files." A "File
Creation Complete!" window instantly pops up, but the "Results" window
is empty. I click "close" and am back at the "edit" tab window which
has no changes from before and still has an empty "edit specification"
Nowhere is a new file made (that I can find), even if I "save to a
custom path."
Knowing nothing, it seems to me as if the Toolshell is going through the
motions without ever running the bins from ReplayTV Tools.
I've uninstalled, reinstalled, tried different shows, cursed, rinsed and
repeated. No change.
I read through's step-by-step (many many times) but still
the same.
I'm accustomed to the Mac "everything just works" experience. This
ain't it.