Toshiba Flash Card App preventing shutdown on my Toshiba Laptop


Jan 3, 2018
I use Firefox browser and Windows 10 on my Toshiba Laptop. When I try to shut down the laptop, Toshiba Flash Card App prevents shut down unless I manually tell the computer to "shut down anyway". When I go to msconfig and startup I see 3 options to uninstall. None of the items are titled Toshiba Flash Card App. The options are titled: 1) Toshiba Function Key Main... with 2 sub-categories- TcardKBB Application and Toshiba Function Key Ma...; 2) Toshiba System Settings Sec; and 3) Toshiba App Place. Which one do I uninstall? Is there another solution I should use? I am not very literate about computer software and hardware.

You can check task manager startup programs and if its listed just disable it from starting

The 3 options stated in the message above also appear in task manager for start up programs. I am not sure which one to disable from start up since none are titled Toshiba Flash Card App. Do you know which one it would be?

Disable all toshiba programs, Then restart the computer and shutdown and see if it still occurs

Most computers already use FN when using F#s and shouldn't effect regular typing
REMOVING the Toshiba Flash Card Keys is the totally WRONG approach.
You need to follow these instuctions
(1) Download the correct Driver for the correct Toshiba Laptop.
(3) click on the agree
(4) click on the UK
(6) Click on Drivers
(8) Follow the Instruction's on the right side of the page...
(9) Look under the bottom of the Laptop for the Toshiba Serial number this will give you the correct download Driver required to prevent Toshiba Flash Card App preventing SHUTDOWN on your Toshiba Laptop...

Just Happy To Help.

iamsohappy80 I went to the website to upgrade the driver for my Toshiba Satellite laptop. I already have Windows 10 installed, but when I gave the information on my model number and part number I got a reply stating "this laptop is not eligible for Windows 10 upgrade." I could not go any further. I think that I will have to fall back to disabling the Toshiba app like everyone else. Thank you for efforts and the information provided. You still saved me from taking my laptop to a computer repair person and spending money that I do not have. Bless you.