Toshiba Laptop Screen Shaking/Quivering


Oct 19, 2007
I was cleaning my keyboard with a can of the air spray stuff and all the sudden my screen(desktop) starts shaking. It happens periodically and I searched googled this and people were saying how it could either be a cable came loose, LCD tube died, etc.

Everything was working just find until I sprayed the stuff so my screen probably didn't die?
Changing the Resolution and Refresh rate doesn't help so should I take apart my laptop and see if the video cable came lose from the monitor or motherboard?

BTW its a toshiba M300 series bought in October 2009. Gently used in good condition.


Japan’s atomic safeness instrumentality is reporting an predicament at a deficient reactor in the unaltered complex where an spasm had occurred earlier. Control sources are contemporarily saying that a "predilection for meltdown", at least, is likely.

The Nuclear and Industrial Refuge Agency said premature Sunday that the cooling organized whole malfunctioned at Unit 3 of the Fukushima Dai-ichi atomic plant.

The agency said it was alert to of the crisis by Tokyo Thrilling, the utility which runs the plant.

No in addition details of the troubles at Unit 3 were promptly available.

An outburst destroying the structure casing the reactor and handing authorities an urgent obstruction surrounded by let loose and redress efforts a date after Friday’s earthquake and tsunami devastated Japan’s northeastern coast.