Question Toshiba Satellite A105, Win10 install problem

Sep 15, 2020
I have a Toshiba Satellite A105 Laptop that I purchased in 2006 with Windows XP installed.
Obviously, it doesn't get much use these days.
I'm attempting to install Windows10 32bit from Flash-Drive and also from DVD.
I consistently get the BSOD with the error message: IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL
There is a Memory Diagnostic Tool that comes with the Flash Drive and it shows no memory errors.
Considering that I may have a bad ISO (or something) I downloaded two different ISO files of Win10, (v1809) and (v1903), both 32bit and using Microsoft's "USB-DVD Download Tool" I created Boot DVD's and Flash Drives of each of the above.
So, now I have 4 additional IOS files with which to try to install Win10.
Each new version, either on DVD and Flash Drive, loads into memory, (about 30 minutes), but fails to complete the install.
Instead, they all return the same BSOD error message: IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL and proceed to reboot and repeat the process.
As stated above, I've had this laptop since 2006 and it has performed flawlessly all these years.
That's why I haven't thrown it out before now.
If Anyone has had this same experience and found the proper fix, I'd appreciate hearing about it.
Toshiba Satellite A105-S2051 Laptop,
2 Gigs Ram,
80 Gigs HD space,
Phoenix BIOS v1.8
USB Ports,
Personally I would install one of the lightweight Ubuntu flavors - see
This might work, but you might still get hardware errors. It's worth a try.

Performance on Win 10 with the specs you have will be frustrating, but with Ubuntu, you'll be able to do some surfing, email, and light duty stuff.
Thanks for the heads up GoldenRule.
I think that is exactly what I'm going to do.
Well, the past two days attempting to install Linux on this Toshiba have been a lesson and experience.
Curiously, a number of years ago I has installed Ubuntu running in a Virtual Box on this same machine and it ran quite well.
However, I downloaded Peppermint and installed it, but, it would not Boot after several attempts to install it.
So, I next tried Mint_Cinnamon. It installed itself and Booted effortlessly.
However, it ran very "glitchy".
The Toshiba A105 has a special (FN) Function Key to control things like Screen Brightness, Volume, etc,
which Mint would not recognize. Other very normal and everyday operations simply would not work, like:
"Alt-F, O " to Open a File. In fact, no ALT operations worked, because there were no Drop Down Menus that worked on any APP.
I'm sure this is no fault of Linux, but, can only be a strange symbiotic relationship between the Toshiba A105 Laptop and its proprietary version of Windows XP.
More than likely it's a BIOS thing, since Win10 will not Boot after install, nor will the two different flavors of Linux.
It's a shame, because this computer has been the longest lasting and best operating Computer/Laptop I've ever used.
Now it's destined to be a Boat Anchor.
Haven't seen that error for years and I don't recall the cause. However, there are many articles on the web if you search on irl less or equal. 2GB is not going to run Win10 well if at all. I believe MS recommends 4GB min and that is not enough for most of us. I you can install any old version of windows, you can run the MS Win10 compatibility checker to see if your system will run Win10.
Thanks for your reply.
I have searched the "IRQL Not Less Or Equal" error message extensively and in most cases it points to a memory error somewhere.
As suggested I ran the prescribed MemTest , but, that came back clean with no errors.
It is a 32 bit machine and Win10 32 bit only requires 2 Gigs to install. That's all I require it to do.
Microsoft support acknowledges the IRQL error as being one of the common install errors, but, offers no hint as to the problem or fix.
Thanks for your interest.