Toshiba Satellite C50-B Shuts down after turning on


Oct 24, 2016
So, I have a problem with my Toshiba Satellite C50-B laptop. One day, after messaging a friend on Skype, it shut itself down. I tried turning it back on, and the led around the power button came on, but the orange led at the front that shows that there is power did not come on before it promptly shut itself off. I took to the internet, but the one solution that popped up most didn't seem to work. The solution was to remove the power cord and battery, then hold the power button for 30 seconds, then put the battery back in. This did not work for me. I'm getting worried, and a little upset with this, as I use my laptop for various things, and I require it. Does anyone know how to fix this? Also, whenever I have the charger in, and the charging light comes on, it looks fine, then when I power it on, it does the same thing, except the charger led now turns off.
Edit: Should have also mentioned that when I hit the power button to try and power it on, the screen remains black, and nothing comes on.
Try this and see if it will work for you....

1. Power off the laptop.
2. Power on the laptop.
3. As soon as you see the rotating loading circle, press and hold the Power Button until the computer shuts off.
4. Repeat this process a few times until you see the "Preparing Automatic Repair" screen.
5. Now you want to let the laptop boot to the "Automatic Repair" screen.
6. Click "Advanced Options" and then select "Troubleshoot".
7. Here you want to select "Refresh your PC", if you do not wish to erase data, or "Reset your PC" to erase all data and restore your system.
8. From here just follow the screen instructions until the recovery is completed.

NOTE: You will need to get into the "Advanced Options" in order to get the "Refresh Option". This choice will keep your data, but any programs installed will be lost.

Do not do a "Reset" as that will wipe all data you have on the laptop.
Well, when I try to turn it on, the fan turns on, and the led around the power button comes on, but then it just shuts off. It's very concerning. Last night, there was a burning smell coming from it, but when I removed the battery and cleaned it up, it stopped.
So I should take the base off of the laptop and check it out?
Edit: I unscrewed and took off the base. There was a lot of dust inside, which I promptly cleaned out whatever I could reach. After putting the base back on, and rescrewing it, the results were pretty much the same. There was some dust in the fan, but I couldn't get to it. I read somewhere that I should vacuum it out, but a friend of mine said to use a toothbrush. I'm not sure.
If you have never messed with the inside of a laptop before, I would start by saying be really careful. Also, the dust would not leave that burn smell. More than likely it was something on the motherboard that burnt out. If you can easily get to it, then I would look it over to see what is damaged. If you cannot, or don't know what to look for, then you are probably better off having a tech look at it.

Unless, of course, it is under warranty still, then contact the manufacturer.
Yeah, I don't know what I'd be looking for, so I'm thinking I should get a tech to look at it. A couple of friends are suggesting I should get the mobo replaced. So it's a case of is it cheaper to get a new mobo or a new laptop, and take the HDD from the old one.