Touchpad aluminium tape got off


Mar 29, 2014
Hello everyone!
I ran into an issue while changing keyboard on my Asus X555L. i took the aluminium tape from touchpad completely away! which i maybe shouldnt do cuz after putting it back on it didnt quite stick well and didnt work at all... Now my question is shouldnt the device work even with the aluminium tape off? Because its not even in device manager. And is there anyway to make it connected different way? Thank you very much, been strugling with this for a while.
oh soo its only a tape? damn and i though it had some function there 😀 the touchpad worked alright until i got that tape off. but maybe I really messed something up with the connector. I tried to reseat it like 10 times but notebook didn't detect it at all...
Okay thank you. Ill try to test the touchpad in different notebook and try to replace the wire and let know. if it won't work then the touchpad is probably dead. I just really wasn't sure about the tape because its soo strangely placed
googled it out. its conductive tape and it does reach the ground. will get the tape and see further :) for now marking the ground point as a answer since it moved me further. thank you