tried to add programs manually to dedicated graphics card but doesn't work


Dec 26, 2016
I can disable my intregrated graphics, so that my Nvidia card (dedicated) works, but its really painful to always disable whenever i go and play games. i went to nvidia control panel and tried to manually select programs but that doesn't work. Game launchers specifically, they don't seem to use the dedicated graphicsa card. I also tried to right cick and "Run with graphics processor" on my nvidia, doesn't work. Any way i can set default to play games without always needing to disbale my intregrated graphics card.
First you need to get it to detect and use the right card.

A. Uninstall, and then reinstall, the latest graphics card driver.
B. Make sure that your Nvidia graphics card is set as the default graphics card.

Here's the steps on how to set it to default.

1. Open the "Nvidia Control Panel".
2. Select "Manage 3D Settings" under 3D Settings.
3. Click on the "Program Settings" tab and select the program you want to choose a graphics card for from the drop down list.
4. Now select "preferred graphics processor" in the drop down list. (You can see what the automatic option is listed as global setting) If you want to use the dedicated graphics card, select High-performance Nvidia processor.

Once it is running on the right one, test the system again and see if the problem persists.

its already the lastest driver, tried that, but game launchers is still not my dedicated


yea they are games installed of my desktop obviously, like fortnite i tried to make the nvidia preferred using the exe client but that doesn't work
Yea, you were right. i updated BOTH of my drivers and did the steps and it worked. I forgot to say that my nvidia driver unknown problem. Thanks for your help
but if i disable my intregrated graphics card so my laptop (yes i use a laptop) it works everytime. does my non preferred also have a role in my games not loading..?