Tritton AX 180 problems


Jul 9, 2012
Sorry guys... I made an account just to try and find an answer to this problem...

I just bought a pair of Tritton AX 180s and I want to use them for my PC.

The mic is detachable, so I can either plug into my computer (bad quality because it is far away from my headset) or into the headset (it would be good quality)

There is no pink microphone jack cable, which might be something to note, only the USB and the audio jack cable.

When the microphone is plugged directly into the HEADSET, my computer does not pick it up as a device! I know that the mic is working because when I use the play-back option for my voice to be played through my headset back to me, it works perfectly. But when I look on my recording devices there is no working microphone that has been detected. Doesn't work on skype, either, obviously.

I JUST GOT THESE TODAY, it is such a big problem for me, I have no idea what to do.

Please help, anyone who knows what I can do to make me able to use the mic when it is plugged into my headset. I can't use it like this when it is plugged into the computer for long.

I almost never reply to help threads, but I had a problem with this too, so I'll give you what I got. First of all make sure that you have the usb connected and the green audio jack connected into the audio out port (headphones). Then make sure on the headphones you don't have anything muted. Now open up the control panel and choose sound. On playback make sure the "TRITTON AX-180 Headset" is marked as default. Then right click it and choose properties. Go to levels and make sure it is anything over zero. Now close that window back to the sound window. Click recording and make sure the "TRITTON AX-180 Headset" is marked as default (Click and then click set default). Open the properties again for the microphone and go to levels again. Here is where it is probably messed up. For me, it was set at 0, meaning it wasn't picking up the sound. Just put it 50-70 and test the microphone again. It worked for me, and hope it works for you.

Hmmm I have the same problem as original poster and I tried to use your method but when i just plug the usb and audio cord in and go to sounds i cannot select "TRITTON AX-180 Headset" as a playback option

I am having the exact same problem as you! I think I may have found out what happened and you aren't going to like the answer.....There is two types of ax 180's....The performance stero headset and the universal headset. The universal headset comes with the pink mic cable along with the green audio cable where as our performance stereo headset only comes with the green audio cable.
hi guys got to the system panel and to your device manager search tritton ax 180 as a microfon and the speaker deinstall both turn it out your headset from the computer put it in the switch mus be on pc1 and the computer installs self renew the drivers (its for windows 7 and windows 8)

best regards
FIX : To anyone who has ever had this problem : With the ax180 you also get a 'headset to normal audio plug'-cable. I tried to put this into my front input and I got a high-pitch noise but when I put it into my back input there is no noise whatsoever. The only problem you have now is that you can't talk. This is my fix for that : I put my 'headset to USB' cable unplugged next to my computer and whenever i need to talk, I plug that one back in, because when I'm talking to somebody on -for example- : skype, the noise does not disturb me, I hope this helps guys!!

I am having this same problem with the AX120 model. Windows just doesn't see the mic. It works if you detach it from the headset and put it directly into the pink mike port. I am pretty sure you need the USB connector with both pink and green mic/audio plugs. (mine came with only the usb & green as well) I You can buy them on their website for 10$.... kinda sucks :-(