Tritton AX PC Pro headset screeches when recording, but not when on programs lik


Mar 14, 2011
I have had a Tritton AX PC Pro headset for over a year now. It has worked fine so far. But now I want to be able to record myself with programs like fraps and xsplit. Whenever I try to do this I end up recording a very loud high pitched screech over what I am trying to say. This happens regardless of my mic being attached to the headset or not. I have tried using my brother's headset (he has the same one) and the screeching does not happen. I just used his headset on my volume control/cable and the problem was still there. This only happens when I record myself. I can use programs like Skype and Vent fine. When I open sound recorder I see that there is a sound being recorded that fills up half of the sound bar. This goes away if I mute my mic. But not if I unplug it from my headset. I am using windows 7. Thanks.