Trouble setting up a wireless Router using a WiFi Dongle.


Feb 17, 2014
I have 2 devices - Laptop and iPad connected to a Wireless Router for internet access at my main home.

I also have a country property with no Land-Line where I use a USB Dongle Modem.
Of course this will not supply internet to the iPad and it won't work as a "Wi-Fi Hotspot" from the Laptop.

Is there a way to use the Wireless Router connected to the Laptop to Wirelessly feed the iPad?
Maybe using an Ethernet cable.


Thanks for the reply. I had seen that article and ran through it without success.
The 'Ad Hoc" setup seems to have worked on the Laptop, showing "Waiting for users" when I click the Network Icon on the Task Bar, but the iPad, (although seeing the connection) displays "MyAdhoc is not connected to the Internet".

My problem may be the "Network and Sharing Center".
I'm on Win7 and have tried several settings to no avail.