Trying to decide between a Sager and an Asus laptop. Any suggestions?


Apr 11, 2012

I'm currently looking into buying a laptop for mobile gaming, and I'm looking in the $1500-1800 price bracket. I've come up with two choices, and I can't decide between the Sager NP9170 with the upgraded Nvidia GTX 675M or the Asus G74SX-DH71. I have customized the specs to be near identical, but with a much better graphics card on the Sager. I'm unsure because I can see the Sager gives me more bang for my buck, but I'm also worried about them not being as well known as Asus. I was wondering if anyone had any insight on this?

Asus does NOT do high end gaming laptops. I would say mid-high, but not High.

High end gaming companys use Clevo base and rebrand.

Sager FTW....
I have a Clevo and Sager is their reseller I love it 1700 got me i7 12gigs ram 750gig hybrid drive 560M 🙁 only part i wish i did better has usb 3 card reader bluetooth 1080p 15 inch screen ect I am enjoying it ...


thanks for the extra info! After reading through your post, I think I'm going to just wait until the Ivy bridge comes out to see if there is a drop on the pricing of the sandy bridge units and snag myself the NP9170.
good idea! I think i might just got with the SB models! Still more than welcome to select best answer for me!

Hi …,

I hope my story, Google search help you to take the right decision.

Hi everyone,
This is my RMA story.

Every third ASUS laptop is DIFFECTIVE.

I had a custom Asus gaming laptop G51JX-3DE/G60JX ($2351) from I can’t say I have it because it has already been in the Asus repair station for more than 2 months and I don’t know when I will get it back. My RMA status is still the same: "Waiting-[WB1] Wait for Material/Spare Parts". I emailed the Asus representative Mr. Tien Phan and got the response that the issue with my notebook was duplicated, and it was currently at a repair station waiting for the necessary parts to come in.
Because of that I began to initiate some action and look at what I could dig up.
If you look at the Asus website you will see that now it only has 2 gaming laptops G75VW (17’) and G55VW (15’), but there were a dozen different models in 2010.
My friend’s computer market analyst said that the Asus repair station is piled up with defective laptops, transformers, tablets. Almost every third ASUS laptop is DIFFECTIVE.
Since 2008 Asus started to produce their own laptops in huge amounts, though previously it was focused on the production of motherboard and other components. The range of its products increased in many times. They tried to compete even with Apple (Zenbook, Pads). But the Asus team just can’t compete with Steve Jobs’ team. As a result the quality of Asus products begins to fall dramatically. Asus Customer Service just can’t cope with the avalanche of custom claims.

Unfortunately, the quality of the motherboards – diamond in Asus crown – became worse compared to what it was before 2010. I built three rigs with Asus motherboards, last one is P6X58D Premium and I am satisfied with their quality. But now days are different.

Now we need to think seven times before buying an Asus laptop.

Having every third ASUS laptop DIFFECTIVE is too much.
