Solved! Turn Rear-Projection TV into Wall Projector with LCD Screen


Aug 11, 2011
Hello All,

I'm not sure if this can be done or not but I wanted to give it a try.

I have a 55" HDTV Rear Projection TV that I have been using as my gaming TV. Two out of the three colors are starting to go out and it has become difficult to see whats going on clearly!

I came across a thread on converting your Computer LCD screen into a Projector with the use of an overhead projector. My question is,

(I Have a LCD Screen, Rear-Projection HDTV and an Overhead Projector to work with)

How can I hook up the LCD screen from the computer to my broken Rear-Projection HDTV, while still using the TV's Speakers and Controls?
the easy answer is to use the lcd board and then match the voltages with the impedance and voltage requirements of the lcd control board.

i havent reverse engineered an lcd control board.
havent reverse engineered a crt projector control board.
havent reverse engineered an lcd projector control board.

i would think the crt and lcd control board are completely different.
the lcd projector and lcd control boards might be a match though.

how to control the lcd panel must be known.
how the board wants to control the lcd panel must be known.
because not all lcd panels are operated in the exact same way.

picture this..
if i have a square and i zap positive voltage into the side frames.. the liquid goes into the square.

if i have a...
perhaps you should post a link to the thread so we know what you're talking about.

i can only guess as to what you are trying to say.

in general:

i suppose you can get audio through your tv by separating the audio signal from your feed to the monitor but your tv screen will have to be on which is a bit rediculous. as television speakers are not all that great it would be more worthwhile to just pick up a cheap set of speakers than to invest in any cables.

i wouldnt bet on controlling a computer lcd screen with a remote control. most do not even have remote control function built in to them.

Let me try and say it another way.

I want to use my rear projection HDTV as my control center for regular use. The problem is that the RGB tubes are no good and need to be replaced. Instead of replacing the tubes, I want to rip them out and use the Video feed inside the TV to hook up the LCD screen from an old laptop computer (HP).

The LCD screen is then placed on an overhead projector which then displays the image on the wall/screen. I have this part figured out and ready to go but my question is:

How can I Connect the TV wiring to the LCD wiring to achieve the image?

Do I need to use the Board from the Laptop so that the LCD screen knows what to do?
Will the Video feed from the HDTV be able to convert to the LCD screen?

the easy answer is to use the lcd board and then match the voltages with the impedance and voltage requirements of the lcd control board.

i havent reverse engineered an lcd control board.
havent reverse engineered a crt projector control board.
havent reverse engineered an lcd projector control board.

i would think the crt and lcd control board are completely different.
the lcd projector and lcd control boards might be a match though.

how to control the lcd panel must be known.
how the board wants to control the lcd panel must be known.
because not all lcd panels are operated in the exact same way.

picture this..
if i have a square and i zap positive voltage into the side frames.. the liquid goes into the square.

if i have a square and i zap negative voltage into the side frames.. there isnt any liquid in the square, and the voltage is going to try tearing the square in half.
this wont look right when you first use it.. and it will/could do the exact same thing as cracking the lcd panel .... except the cracks might be much smaller.

one panel is an in-y
the other panel is an out-y

some lcd panels might require in-y in the middle area
out-y for the liquid around the edges

these types of tricks/hacks are possible .. but you have to be aware/awake to use the right pieces together.

is it possible?
is it possible with your specific equipment? i dunno.
if your lcd panel in the laptop is fully functional.. you would still have to reverse engineer the lcd control board and the video preamp section of the projection screen.
any mismatch by adding features or subtracting them .. you would then have a situation that is basically the same thing as two different shoes.

you can use two different shoes that look kinda the same and not get noticed (something might break)
if you use two totally different shoes that look completely different .. you are going to get noticed
(something is going to break the moment you give it power)

Thank you so much for your response, I pretty much came to the same conclusion. The LCD screen from the computer, although bigger, would be more time consuming so I used a 7" LCD TV I wasn't using and hooked it through the Video out on the Rear-Projection. This way, all of the tech is on the same page, and I just had to take the LCD screen out and reconnect all circuits. Very Nice!